How long for a orchid seed to germinate?


Well-Known Member
orchid seed is tiny as in the size speak of flour dust , so germination is variable to conditions
to do it outside of the wild is Not a easy task
with seed sown on jelled agar it takes lab equipment & sterile conditions , petri dishes , agar jells , autoclave
forced air clean room hood
I grew orchids for 20 years & I know only one guy who pulled off setting seed in his garage & he was a DIY guru


Well-Known Member
Check out MissOrchidGirl on YouTube. Danny, she rocks. Everything you ever wanted to know, and them some.


Well-Known Member
Last I checked, you'd probably need a Ph. D. In botany and a gazillion-dollar lab facility to germinate an orchid seed. AFAIK the companies that supply orchids nowadays do it all through tissue culture.