How long in flower to tell sex of plant?

Ok so I put the light higher with the halide on. But the clones did not like it at all. So I lowered the light back down with just fluorescents.
Thought that was kind of weird.
Any inputs?
No I don't. I don't even have one for my main crop.
All are diffent sizes. Smallest is about 3 in or so. And tallest is about a foot.
I had a humidifier but my humidifier in main crop broke so had to put one from clones in main crop.


Shouldn't need a humidifier in flower, i live in colorado and its rare to get above 35% or so humidity, don't use one at all, the plants make enough for my "little" rooms.
You can get combo thermometer/hygrometer for $10-$20 and they are absolutely essential when it comes to setting things up and diagnosing any plant issues. I only use one between my two rooms, has a "outside" sensor that sits in the veg room and the main unit sits in the flower room. Can get these cordless or corded. Just my .02
What did you mean by the clones didn't like it?
Really? I live in Texas. I have a freind who is a fellow grower and he got one and just figured it would be good for them.
Gotcha. I will have to get one of those.

The clones just fell over when I put the halide on them.
Stem bent over. Not all of them. About 5 were bent over and just didn't look good. I turned off the halide and lowered florensents and they perked back up. Except one. I think it will come back though.
Really? It has happened before. I tried the halide before and it did same thing. And I just turned it off and they all came back.
Will do. And thanks for all the info. Best person I have talked too.


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