How long to VEG? and how long to FLOWER?.. help


Active Member
I have two 125w CFL'S DUAL SPEC
and will be vegging and flowering with them

i will be getting 1-2 plants of either kush, ak, or some indica
will that be good for fast results?

how long could i go from seed > harvest
and how many plants could fit under two 125w cfl's

and also what yield would i be looking at with these strains..
just used these for examples
From seed about 2-3 weeks until transplant then veg for another month. Flowering can tak anywhere from 6-10+ weeks, so 8 weeks on average. About 100 days total from seed, but you can but into flowering earlier like a week after transplanting. Some people start 12/12 from seed, which would cut your time down to about 65 days (but you will have less quantity).

For how much you will yield it all depends on what nutes you use and your lighting. If you where using HPS you would yield at least twice as much, at least that is what I've seen.

Hope this helps you out.

Peace MGT

I have two 125w CFL'S DUAL SPEC
and will be vegging and flowering with them

i will be getting 1-2 plants of either kush, ak, or some indica
will that be good for fast results?

how long could i go from seed > harvest
and how many plants could fit under two 125w cfl's

and also what yield would i be looking at with these strains..
just used these for examples


Active Member
is it possible gaining oz's of two 125w cfl's?
so whats the seed> harvest time fully?
can i veg for three weeks then flower for how many?
please explain more as the shortest mehtods and yields as i do not understand

have their been any good results with low veg time and high flower ?