How many grams per watt do you get?

How many grams per watt do you get?

  • .35 - .45

    Votes: 13 17.6%
  • .45 - .55

    Votes: 15 20.3%
  • .55 - .65

    Votes: 15 20.3%
  • .65 - .75

    Votes: 4 5.4%
  • .75 +

    Votes: 27 36.5%

  • Total voters


Time is a huge factor. I am an out door grower coming indoor. and i have done alot of research on this. I think .5 is a good goal even if it's your first grow if done right. People say a lb (448 grams) per light (1000 watts) so 448 divided by 1000 = .448 grams per watt. To many factors to say what is realistic.
2x 600 growlux
8 in 25ltr buckets
nirvana chrystal

sooooooo many factors

Good genetics (most important),co2, humidity (very important IMHO), 80-85 temp day 68-72 night (little or no fluctuation), fresh air at night (no added co2), PROPER bulbs!, heated water, accurate PH, correct nutes (not too much!) & lots of TLC. unless you have the perfect set up that can be trusted to maintain that type of regime on its own you need to check your room/plants frequently! Once you see stress you have already fucked up so like everything in life this wonderful hobby takes time. effort, LOTS of reading & lots of fuck ups:-) but when you get things dialed there is alot of satifaction in watching a room of plants all growing like maniacs!!
I grow in coco and find that to be the most forgiving substrate.
I am certainly no expert but I did & still do take good advice & also try new stuff all the time to try to 'hone' my horticulturalist skills!!



Well-Known Member
I don't really care for the gram per watt anymore, you can probably achieve well over 1g per watt with a high yielding strain like big bud or critical mass but it's not going to smoke like a dank strain would. If there was an easy way to measure the THC that would be a nice figure to know :D


Well-Known Member
1. 600w
2. 5
3. 260g-ish
4. Afghan goo

Ive gotten the same yield last two runs expect the same when I harvest in a week but with only 4 plants.


Active Member
6 plants, 3 G-13 Pineapple Express & 3 Barneys Farm Phatt Fruity under 2 Raptor Hoods running 1000w in each one for a total of 2000w and got 4lbs 5.25oz of dried pruned manicured bud. Just under 3/4's of a lb per plant

1. 2000w
2. 6 plants
3.1918..almost 2000g
4. 3Phatt Fruity
3Pineapple Express

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
1 gpw is a good goal. Anything past that and you're doing just fine. I've gotten ~350g off of a 400w lamp and have been satisfied. There's always something to learn, and always room for improvement.


Active Member
1. 900w L.E.D own spectrum profile and 60" degree lenses. Light mover on 8ft rail
2. 6 plants 1 month veg canopy was at 4 and 1/2 feet
2. 830grams
3. Lavandar x 3, Donkey Punch Diesel x2, Jack the ripper x1

donkey punch diesel side nug7-15john 071.jpg
Donkey punch harvest day View attachment 2295630056.jpg



Well-Known Member
400 watts vegging (even a week or 2 at 54 watt but nvm that) and preflower, 600 watt for the rest. Average .95 grams per watt. Surprised myself with that a lot, was aiming for .7 ish.

5 plants on 3by4 feet, scrogged in halfpipe, more like quarterpipe on one side.

529 grams in total, pretty much evenly divided across the 5 plants. Unusual high for me, regardless of plant count.

Sugar Punch


New Member
Get a chiller for your water, really important to keep that temp down. You can buy these bags the give off co2 pretty sweet rally cheap too