How many people here have an addiction?


Well-Known Member
Not just coke or shit like that, but in general.. Soda, internet, online games. I dont, or dont think i do anyways.


Active Member
out of all the things I do, cigs are the only thing I can't go without, been trying to quit for some time now, but everytime I do I start stacking on weight at a scary rate...
I've done all kinds of drugs, strange it's one of the legal ones that I've found to be by far the most addictive. I totally freak without em...
Aside from that I probably play too many online games, but I don't freak or anything when I have to do without them...


Well-Known Member
I am addicted to making sure I dont get addicted to ANYTHING!! Anytime I feel like something is starting to take too big of a place in my everyday life, I stop doing it and only bring it back into my life if I can control it. I'm not talking about people or love but things like, smoking, drinking, prescription medicine...shite like that.


Well-Known Member
Caffiene without a doubt. Tried to quit many times, always end up fiending for it like a junkie. Lasted a year once until my Dad forgot and offered me a soda. Fell off the wagon so hard I was binge-drinking that shit in a matter of weeks.

I don't have this problem with marijuana. I've not had a supply for months and I'm doing just fine. I'm not sleeping much, but that's normal for me without it. Would I like to sleep? Sure! Would I like to get fucked up? Yup. Do I crave it, can't function without it, can't stop thinking about it? Nope. That's what caffiene does to me.

Chase the Bass

Active Member
I'd have to say the internet. I don't particularly like watching TV because I can find whatever I want to watch online on my time. I'm not sure if I'm addicted to marijuana. I haven't tried to quit because I don't see a reason to. And cigarettes. I hate them.