How many plants could i fit in a 2 1/2 by 3 foot area?

remember your name

Active Member
Height isnt an issue it would be in a closet, wondering about how many i could fit , i had 1 and it grw big took up most of the room but i want to try scrog

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
If you do scrog, you'll only get one or two in that space, unless you make the screens pretty small, which kinda defeats the point of scrog, the point being to spread the plant out and get the most yield possible per plant.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
you put a screen at the level of the canopy, top bud. and this tricks the plant to think the main cola i blocked so it make the side branches grow to become the side branches making more main colas . this method is great for people who can grow weed legaly but have a number restrictions, like cali they can grow 3-5 plants , if they have a grow license, you take one plant and make it produce like 10 plant (haveing 10 main colas) look on this site for how to, me i just grow many plant becuse i dont live in cali and i dont have a license so if i get caught i going down regardless

remember your name

Active Member
yeah i didnt think about all the spreading them out which is retarded because thats the purpose lol sorry i was high when i posted, whats the best method for growing like 4-6 plants in s small space?

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
I would just top them above the fourth node (or second pair of nodes) once they get to 5-6 nodes tall and let them do their thing. For more on topping .
You should be able to fit 4 plants in there easily. The key is the point at which you flower them. Depending on the strain they will double to triple in size during flower, and considering that even 1kw hps light can only penetrate about 3 feet of bush, it's hardly worth vegging them much taller than about 12" indoors, I'm guessing that's why your last one got so big, unless you had the light too far away and it was just stretching.

remember your name

Active Member
Depending on the strain they will double to triple in size during flower, and considering that even 1kw hps light can only penetrate about 3 feet of bush, it's hardly worth vegging them much taller than about 12" indoors, I'm guessing that's why your last one got so big, unless you had the light too far away and it was just stretching.
No i dont mean she got big as in tall she was only about 2 1/2 feet tall but she was wide took up like 1 1/2 foot even after i pruned her the arms reached out pretty far, so 4 plants is about what i feel i can train in that space, should be able to make it work...i have 8 germinating though so i guess ill just have to toss a few if more than 4 are female...theres always honey oil i suppose

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Always best to start more than you need, and pick the best ones rather than have to grow a weedy little runt to fill your room!

remember your name

Active Member
Always best to start more than you need, and pick the best ones rather than have to grow a weedy little runt to fill your room!
wow lol yeah thats some sound advice, my first ever grow for learning purposes i only had 1 plant and everything that could go wrong with her did....i was lucky it was a her and she made me some small but pretty potent little buds that tasted fruity but still...having more options to pick from, picking the stronger ones and then making oil out of the ones i "dispose" is a good idea, i have 6 that i just put in soil today, 3 unknown seeds that i saved from some really good mid/high grade and 3 seeds from the bag i just got...i chose those 3 seeds because this mid grade i have seems like it could of been high grade shit if it didnt get pollenated and compressed, tasted good and packed a punch...we'll see, anyway i should do like 3 more i think because some will be male and some might not be so healthy...idk but eventually i have to downsize to 4
sounds good then.U r right some will be male and some will be runts and if its bagseed then who knows how many females u will get.So plant as many as u can without overcrowding your space.You want room to be able to move things around and if most are female and looking good you will be able to manage in your space.I just hate to kill females but thats just me...

remember your name

Active Member
yeah i know i dont want to kill any females but theres literally NOWHERE else i could put them where they are out of sight out of mind so if i have to kill them ill just flower them a little and use em for oil

remember your name

Active Member
basically i want to use a method that gives me more, does anyone know what method of growing would work best for that amount of space to produce more bud? Should i grow more plants or less plants and just train them? Seems like having more plants would give more bud than just training 1
you cant make honey oil of the males....and im doin a similar thing.. 22 in deep by 44 wide 60 tall... i got a screen goin for 4 got clones....well see.. i wasnt thinkin about toppin them since space is so limited for the number of ladies
If you want the biggest yield over time go for Sea Of Green, don't waste too much time growing them, set a mother room up if possible to have clones ready to go in every two weeks, lollipop the plants and you should be able to fit 12-16 plants in there.
For more info on SOG, see Al B. Fuct's guide

Na man that would be the best if you had a room with a big flowering are and a seperate veg side for the mama and the ladies... thats not the most efficient for an area that size... a SCROG SCREEN OF GREEN is the most efficient... and allows you to use less ladies and just spread them out. It creates a field of nodes/budsites at all the holes and the leafs are held under the screeng creating a canopy and using all available lights so its economics 101 use all recourses available

remember your name

Active Member
yes you can make oil with male plants. you wait until right before they're about to open their pollen sacks before you harvest them, thats when the thc will be most present and then as soon as the sacks burst its pretty much a waste after that. So, dry them and grind them up to small pieces but not powder and do the extraction etc., you can get probably 1-2 grams from a male plant almost the same amount as a female without using the buds, if you use the buds i think its something like 4 grams. Either way even if i spend some money on the butane for only 1-2 grams its still worth it and you'll still get a good quality kick ass buzz from the shit too.