How many plants under a 430w hps?

The Serpent

Active Member
4 plants.. atleast a 100W per plant

SoG? ScoG? 100 watt per plant? That's possibly the craziest post I have ever seen on here since I joined.

Edit: can see your not the only maniac. Seriously? 4 plants??? Thats pretty poor energy efficiency. So 10 plants under a 1000watt eh? wtf? Get with it boys.


Active Member
get a bunch of 1 gallon pots get a grow box or area of aluminum foil to cover your light and surrond your grow area low stress train all your plants all you need is string and tape tie the string around the stems and tape the string to the pot youull have multiple top bud shoots this way and you can fit more plants in the area and light them all and fit as many 1 gallon pots in the grow area as you can and veg for 30 days on 24/7 light then switch to 12/12 i done 3 under just 275 watts of cfl got all females


Active Member
Right now I have 3 bubbleicous plants that are 2 weeks into flower. I'm planning for my next grow. I've got a 6 bulb 4' t-5 setup for vegging and this 430w hps for flower. Both boxes are the same size but the veg box is setup to use cfl's too. I'm just trying to get the best results with the grow space that I have available without changing my boxes that i currently use. I'm going to be supper cropping and topping the next grow. I only supper cropped one this time just to see the difference in results and that plant is advancing much faster than the other two. All of this while trying to get rid of these gnats! Damn bugs.

Serpent, what would you suggest?


Well-Known Member
I'll put another vote in for 4 plants, arranged '2 x 2'. They'll fit under the lamp's footprint, quite nicely.