How many pot smokers voted for Obama??


Active Member
I think people forget it's still very early in his term and he's got a lot on his plate. Don't get me wrong, all the pretentious snickering in his video was pretty annoying. But I think he's made a decent start at trying to fix a lot of problems. I voted for him, but never expected him to federally legalize marijuana (Although it makes obvious sense too) I simply expected him to at least make steps in the right direction (Like stopping the DEA from raids on totally honest and legit dispensaries, or even acknowledging this subject...more than his predecessors) I feel on a personal level that this is an important subject...however, on a national or international level, I believe there are a lot more problems that should be higher on his priority list. I'm just being realisitic about the situation. I'm not happy about it, but I'm understanding.

I was hopeful and I'm disappointed. You are right, it's still early. There are so many horrid things going on right now that need attention. It's the complete disregard and smugness that I found offensive. The way he said "I don't know what's going on with our online users". As if we don't have sound reasoning, for proposing the legalization of pot. Economically, it makes great sense. :)

Intellectual Pothead

Well-Known Member
And i'm sorry,but when you print 50% of the economy in iou money i can't imagine its gonna do much for the worth of the dollar.Plus china is considering dropping the dollar which is really going to screw us.I can see it now working for 5 dollars a day in a homeland chinese sweat shop.
hey i agree, it's stupid to print 'iou' money.

and china can suck a penis, the US and E.U already shrugged the idea of a global currency. so that's not going to take off lol

china has European and American economic interests at heart, who else would buy their crappy products?

we live in a globalized world, china does not pull all of the strings my friend. it is a force to be reckoned with though.

but you just go off assumptions, it's not always cool to be "anti authourity" stop with all the "down with the man" bull shit.

we still have higher living conditions than the rest of the world.


Well-Known Member
Well i hate Bush,but bush didn't run all these companies in the ground.They did with corporate scandals,money Embezzlement,corporate jets and all the other bullshit these assholes do.I wouldn't give any of them a dime.Most of them should be in prison,but they are not.9 years ago it was cool to throw me in jail for having 73 pot plants though...that makes sense.

Intellectual Pothead

Well-Known Member
Complaining, people have a right to complain. They are being thrown in jail for a plant. I've seen/read several articles/videos where obama said he would decriminalze weed. This is NOT my number one issue, but if I was going to jail it would be.

BTW, I agree, Bush was a total fucktard and he needed to go in the worst way.

yeah i agree marijuana laws are stupid, but we're not the majority. we're a minority. it's not a hopeless fight though

a lot of states are pushing for new legislation regarding mj.

obama has a lot on his plate, trust me this is the least of his concerns, theres a war going on in iraq where thousands die every year. and we're over here complain about marijuana? come on

i love marijuana as much as the nextguy, but it's not that big of an issue, as much as i would want it to be. it's just not

and change starts on the state level, and we're seein that. so liek i said before people

stop complaining

Intellectual Pothead

Well-Known Member
Well i hate Bush,but bush didn't run all these companies in the ground.They did with corporate scandals,money Embezzlement,corporate jets and all the other bullshit these assholes do.I wouldn't give any of them a dime.Most of them should be in prison,but they are not.9 years ago it was cool to throw me in jail for having 73 pot plants though...that makes sense.

yeah i agree with you, wall street sucks. can't argue with that. i wish they were in prison as well.

but bush relaxed a lot of business regulations that allowed these corporations to fuck the american public like this.

so yeah bush is to blame as well, but he's not the only one that is responsible


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree marijuana laws are stupid, but we're not the majority. we're a minority. it's not a hopeless fight though

a lot of states are pushing for new legislation regarding mj.

obama has a lot on his plate, trust me this is the least of his concerns, theres a war going on in iraq where thousands die every year. and we're over here complain about marijuana? come on

i love marijuana as much as the nextguy, but it's not that big of an issue, as much as i would want it to be. it's just not

and change starts on the state level, and we're seein that. so liek i said before people

stop complaining
Quoted for truth. If Obama is able to right the economy and pass universal healthcare, I'll gladly wait for the time when most of America is ready to decriminalize MJ.


Well-Known Member
obama is doing a great job, i don't agree with his bailouts, but whatever.
But what-ev?

Dude, those bailouts are not something to be taken lightly and addressed with comments like "whatever". Time to wake up and smell the coffee. So far the only thing he's accomplished is spending us into the shithole, and he's only gotten STARTED! The man has accrued more deficit spending than the entirety of all of our Presidents combined in just 3 months. His cronies like Geithner were incompetent in their abilities to see the impending crisis in the housing market, Wall St, and the Federal Reserve, and have as much or MORE blood on their hands for what's happened as anyone else. The wave of financial irresponsibility has reached new heights and could take generations to dig our asses out of it. He acts like it's just monopoly money, and it's all just a fucking game. Obama has ZERO experience in finance, and never had to run his own business, so he's relying on the people he put on his staff.

Tax cheat Geithner hired as his deputy treasury secretary, the lobbyist from Goldman Sachs. The new deputy secretary of state was, until last year, a CEO of Citigroup. Another CFO from Citigroup is now assistant to the president, and deputy national security advisor for International Economic Affairs. And one of his deputies also came from Citigroup. One new member of the president's Economic Recovery Advisory Board comes from UBS, which is being investigated for helping rich clients evade taxes.

Is that the kind of change YOU believe in?


Well-Known Member
Well I for one am shocked! Shocked to hear that Obama has hired people that have actually worked in finance before to handle the economy!


Well-Known Member

Why doesn't someone ask him if he thinks it's funny that rapist and murderers sometimes get more leeway in the legal system than crimes involving pot?

captain crunch

Well-Known Member
I can't believe there are so many selfish, impatient stoners out there.

Face it, federal legalization is not happening soon. If it happens in the next decade i will be shocked.

It has only been two months. He has much bigger things to worry about right now than legalizing pot.

If some of you would just learn that occasionally things don't happen overnight then maybe you could see the bigger picture. It is going to take a lot of tiny steps before we even see decriminalization. Ending the DEA raids on medical is one of those steps.


Well-Known Member
Captain Crunch, you have a point. Maybe I need to start eating breakfast.......

Didn't Obama already end the raids once before?


Active Member
What's bigger to worry about than something that could do a lot to help pull our country out of the recession and keep the dollar worth something?
I agree with your statement that legalizing marijuana would, no doubt, help our economy in the long run. However, this is American politics and change comes with a very slow process, especially real progression. But to answer your question, I'd say human life in the Middle East (our own citizens as well as the innocent Iraqis just trying to live their life like all of us) is an issue that demands far more attention than legalizing marijuana...but I'm a total humanitarian. Sure legalization of our favorite plant would bring in the dough for our monetarily-burdened government, however that is not the absolute-solution to this issue. We'd need A LOT more changes with that to get us out of this problem. I don't think people understand that we're in an extremely delicate state right now, and to ask a one man to direct all his attention on something like legalizing marijuana is totally bogus. We're not the majority and he would have to go totally against the grain to get this passed. It would be extremely strenuous and time consuming, comparative to the results. Why would he do that when he can take alternative routes to limit spending and lower our national debt with much less time taken, less effort on their part, and overall better results for our economy. It's crappy for all of us, believe me, I know. But hey, that's politics. We just got to keep speaking our minds and eventually, with time, change will come.


Well-Known Member
SweatyC, do you think the legalization bill in California is mainly because of the economic situation there?


Active Member
SweatyC, do you think the legalization bill in California is mainly because of the economic situation there?
I never insinuated that. However, if you're talking about Prop. 215 then personally, I'd like to imagine not. I was diagnosed as severe bi-polar along with a few other hereditary disorders when I was a kid and got my medicinal license the day after my 18th birthday. Marijuana has done wonders for me, especially during my extremely manic episodes. But in all seriousness, I'd say a lot of politicians would not have supported it if it was coming out of their, or the general tax-payers, wallet (a sign of true compassion) Again, I never said keeping marijuana illegal is smartest idea in any way, shape, or form. But you have to understand our government (like it or not....i definitely lean towards not) and the fact that you and me are 2 out of over 303,824,640 people in the United States...and we're all different. This situation doesn't seem reasonable to you or me, but you have to have some empathy, or at least brief intervention, to understand why it is and why it won't change overnight.