How many times should i water my plant?


Active Member
How many times should i water my plant? 1,2,3,4,5 times a week? Or is it every other day?
Very unsure of this+ im a newbee?


Well-Known Member
No set number, when the top of the soil starts drying out (not all of the soil though) then give them some water. Obviously, watering too much or too little will hurt the plant - but there's a lot of room in between the two. It's pretty easy, you'll get used to it quickly.

Mine tend to need water every 3 or 4 days, but yours could be different. Lots of factors can change it - temps, humidity, plant size, type of soil/medium, etc..


When they're little you might be able to go up to a week before needing a good soak. My soil goes about twice a week maybe less (about every 3-4 days), but a good way to check is to stick your finger into the soil just past the first knuckle and if it is really dry then its time to water otherwise wait it out. Like Leothwyn said you'll get used to it rather quickly, it is very common to overwater and less common to underwater since your first instinct when starting to grow is to keep feeding your plants. Are you using any nutrients?

Cheech Bong

I agree with MRHOOD and just finishing my 1st grow I was very hard to not water my plants. I started to learn that my plants benefited more when I stopped paying attention to them. There is also the "lift the pot" method and you simply learn what an empty pot feels like compared to a pot full of water. Fill a pot up with your medium with no water and feel how heavy it is. Then fill same pot with water and let drain until water is done dripping and feel how heavy it is. Light = Water & Heavy = Chill Bruh!

Good luck with your grow!