How Much Cfl Light for New Seedlings


Active Member
hi guys this is my first time using seeds usually use clones only

ive got them in a small wooden box 2ft square roughly. how much wattage of cfl's should i have in there with 6 tiny seedlings for optimum growth. they will only be there till they out grow it then they will go into a bigger home just convenient atm!

i only had about 30w and they were going very slowly (about a week and a half old) just increased to about 100w of cfl's

how much do u guys recommend?

thanks in advance jamie


Well-Known Member
seedling are sensitive to light and too much can actually slow growth too, i know people who use a single 30w t5 for a whole tray of clones or seedlings. they dont need much

i personally run 2 2700k 26w
and 4 6500f 40w

thats plenty for me to start 12 at a time, although i would feel completely comfortable starting 24


Active Member
ive looked around the forum but do u know of a good timeline with pics of seedlings that i can go by as they only have there 2nd set of true leaves comming out.
i know seeds are slow but i didnt think they would be this slow. also had 2 sort of fall over as the stem wasnt strong enough obviously as they were about 2" tall but had a very skinny stem.


Well-Known Member
the benefit of cfls is you can put the about 2 inches close to the plants without burning them, that helps reduce stretching as a seedling.

i move mine into my veg tent after the second true node, the round leaves dont count. after that i consider them veg stage and no longer seedling. different strains have different growth characteristics so that might be why its slow.....