how much left on my two girls???


Well-Known Member
you've still got weeks to go yet. get a scope and check out the trichs - they'll tell you everything you need to know. right now, the pistils are a sure sign of it's immaturity. give it some time and begin flushing in a week or two. let those girls grow and in a couple of months, you'll have some great weed!


Well-Known Member
question if i was to chop them down in 2 weeks would they not be any good? the reason for it is i have others under a 150watt florescent that i would like to get under a hps as soon as possible. or will the 150 be sufficient enough until these girls are done? also the yeild off these two cant be that great i imagine. would the bennfits out weigh letting them finish??

am i a idiot? lol thanks


Well-Known Member
get a hps, the plants look stretched out from lack of light. you need alot more light:blsmoke: ALOT... but you still have around a month to go IMO, GL


Well-Known Member
also the yeild off these two cant be that great i imagine. would the bennfits out weigh letting them finish??
no your yield isn't gonna be great you should of topped them when they were young so they'd be more bushy and all the buds could be closer to the light.
Your about a month away I'd say and the last two weeks is when they really put on the weight. Your call what to do.