how much lime?


Active Member
have had problems with low ph in soil grow,spending a fortune in ph up and working great but I dont believe i need to go this way so my question is i need to go up 1 point in 3 gal pots anyone tell me how much powdered lime to use and/or how often to mix with watering (can i do damage by using to much?)Thanks in advance all!


Active Member
I've not seen it recommend to add the lime directly to water. Most suggest either mixing it in with new soil and adding it to the top and watering, or just sprinkling a little lime on the surface and the watering. Someone else may have a better idea but from what I've rread and researched I think I am going to just add a tbsp per new medium I mix up and top off my pots and water.


Active Member
ULM thanks and will do this on new batch just have 2 wks on this batch and showing signs of nute lockout due to low ph


Well-Known Member
With 2 weeks left i wouldn't bother with the lime.I'd finish the way you have been doing.Use the lime for your future plants.


Active Member
If you have 2 weeks left you may be just seeing the plant transfer all its stored nutes and energy into the buds. It's common for fan leaves to rapidly yellow in the last 2-3 weeks and fall off right up until harvest.


Well-Known Member
*I* use 2tbl/gallon of mix, or 1cup/cf of mix. Best added before use and mixed in, but a top dress will work also.

Don't bother adding it to water. It is ground up limestone (rock), and doesn't really dissolve. One application usually does the trick.
