How much longer do i have? ( pics )


Active Member
They're auto flowering dwarfs(4).These are called BUDDHA SEEDS WHITE DWARF FEMINIZED I've read you can harvest in 60days from planting, but some say its better to let them go a bit farther because around 60days they're not ready yet. This is my first grow and I'm having a bit of trouble deciding when to chop them down. I've flushed them once so far and that was on the 8th. I'm scared b/c I've read that if you let the plants go to long the THC will start to go away. I know the time is soon, but also want those buds to get big as possible. The pics are kinda out of order , but for the most part each plant looks about the same as in maturity. Last pic i zoomed in a bit and saved it, trying to get a better look but that as good as my camera can get. +rep to good reply


Brick Top

New Member
Do not go by given number of days as to when you harvest your plants. Only harvest when the trichomes tell you it is time to harvest.

Clear trichomes = plant not fully matured.

Milky white trichomes = matured plant with more of a head high.

Amber trichomes = matured plant with more of a stone/body buzz.

Brown trichomes = compost.

Harvest when the trichome color will give you the high or stone or combination of both that you like the most and want the most.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
They are lookin good but as previously mentioned the only way to truly know is by checking the trichs.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Not really because you want it at least 40x magnified.

Judging by those pics I would give them maybe another week but they could also be chopped now if your getting desperate (just a guess).

Looks like it will be a nice smoke too.


Active Member
Thanks dude, Think i might chop my least favorite two now, let the other two go a bit more. ( i am a bit desperate to smoke it ) also pick up a good magnifying glass. so excited and nervous. I dont want to screw anything up but then again what can you expect from your first grow... thanks again man.. *cheers*


Active Member
lol same worrys buddy check out the grow... pics soon soon
LOL at the magnifying glass.

He's gonna need at least 40x magnification to really tell.

If you have a pair of binoculars around put your buds right up to the eyepeice and put your eye right up to the big lense on the other side, instant microscope.