How much money can you make with 1 Plant??


Well-Known Member
depends on the size of ur plant and how u get rid of the say $300-$5,000 shit maybe 10,000 if u can get about 2 - 2 1/2 pounds..just depends on the size of ur plant....cfl grows around 100 bucks per plant


Well-Known Member
ten bucks to 100 thousand... depends on strain quality size of plant technique used as in fim topping screen of green. or if you grow a one cola plant or a 20 ft monster with hundreds of bud sites ... if your lookin to turn a nice profit one plant isnt the way. i turn about one zip per plant dry weight. which in my neck of the woods i can charge 350 a zip


Well-Known Member
dont expect that much money off of one plant yoo.. for your first grow prob around what i said..
i grow for the love of the plant not the money but money is a bonous and does help with electricity and its sick the amount of money people charge these days for weed, people try to sell an ounce for £210 of sprayed grass, it sickens me! waiting for the day its legal and so many stoners grow ther own that the plant is next to worthless! that will deff be the daY!!

Active Member
Very interesting responses to the question. Actual numbers? The real answer is no one knows. There are simply too many factors throughout the cycle.

It's like asking "I drive a Toyota. How much gas should I expect to buy in the next year." Who the heck knows? How many miles are you going to drive? Is it city or highway driving? Are the tires properly inflated...and the list goes on.

I think if I took ten of my anonymous customers and have them grow the exact same strain and then compare the results, you'd find that there were ten different amounts.

Finally, what's market value? I'm sure it would go for less in, let's say, Corpus Christi than in Northern Canada.

My direct answer to your question is anything from nothing (plant died or was male) to thousands of dollars.

(Oh, if there were a contest my plant would be the healthiest, hands down. I'd win!)



Active Member
clone that 1 plant then clone that clone then clone that clones clone then clone that clones clones clone and u can make milllions............ lol what the dude above said sounds good its an open value