How much will I yield? SCROG

What is a good rough estimate to expect yield wise from this scrogged plant IF I flowered now? It's day 26 in veg, planted in a 5 gallon container, and the screen is over 25% filled.

Also, when would be a good time to flower this girl? It's Kolossus, a 50/50 hybrid.


Well-Known Member
you will get exactly 4.1208 oz. But due to a minor mite issue & popcorn buds you lose.. you will get roughly 3.871 oz. You will jar too early which will cause your bud to be a little harsh but you won't care, about a week after harvest you will look into supersoil, hoping to start over & produce more dank bud..
I lol'd. I use a 250w in a 2x2 space and my temps are 75-77 during the day, humidity at 45%. I mix my own organic soil, dry amended with bone, blood, kelp, neem seed meal, crab meal, diatomaceous earth, and some horse manure.

I highly doubt I'll run into a pest problem. Nor will I incorrectly dry or cure my shit. Funny joke, though.
And supersoil? Oh that stuff. Yeah, I'd rather not use a commercialized base soil and end up with fungus gnats, like several folks I know. :p:p:p
i say closer to a few pounds but i ahve to ask my cat......he says not even an ounce. somewhere between less than an ounce and a few pounds. looks like you might be feeding too much from the canoe leaves, but the pic looks blurry to me.
I see that this is now a 'who's trolling who?' thread. I find it comical that either of you refuse to give a simple, and considerate response. But it's whatever. I was just hoping to get some other opinions.

0/10, err, I'll give you 1/10 for effort on trying to troll me.

Plus it's a dry amended mix. It's not a matter of me feeding it too much, it's that I mixed my soil too hot. It's a trial and error process, but the plant's been responding fine and not getting worse. Thanks man


Well-Known Member
My serious answer.

Supersoil w/ store bought soil, (gnats or not) will be WORTH IT. Simply get rid of the gnats if it has it? & you will get gnats regardless if your garden is not tidy.

If purging some bugs seems tough.. wait till you run into a real issue. <3
the question is too broad to give you a correct answer and there are too many variables between now and harvest and with no pictures of your previous grows to compare it to, how do we know what kind of grower you are? so stop whining and understand that with a vague question you will get vague answers, it isnt your thread its the question...there are a million threads asking the same question.
Honest answer? i would say just over an ounce, but since we dont know what soil you are using and what nutrients are being used and most importantly what kind of lighting, fuck, you guess is as good as the next one.

* ok250 HPS, i see that now and i say less than an ounce, but we all started in the same the beginning.
jesus of Cannabis, I admire your classiness. If you were to look further up, I said I use a 250w hps in a 2x2 space, temps are 75-77 during the day with a RH of 45%. I'm on my second grow and this is my first SCROG attempt, I'm using my own soil mix. And sure, I understand that there's tons and tons of variables, but I did ask for a rough estimate. I guess if I was to rephrase my question it would be how much stretch should I expect from a 50/50 hybrid?

I do appreciate the responses, but it would be nice if they were more constructive.

And if I did run into a gnat issue, I'd try some BTI first... Seeing as how thats what Gnatrol consists of anyhow. I just prefer to avoid those fuckers.
it looks good to me with the indica being very dominant which means very little stretch but the bushiness might be a problem with 2'. rule of thumb is a plant will stretch 2-3 times its height when put into flower and i have no class :-) thats hwy i got married.
it looks nice but like i said there might be an issue with the feeding as the leaves are starting to canoe but the pic is blurry and i dont have my glasses.


Well-Known Member
o_O mai yung grass'hoppa.. ..

Soon you will learn, that among the forums, certain questions get answered in only certain ways. Your post count tells me you know no different, fear not my child we shall work through this together.. . An avatar shall be appointed to you & then you shall be a part of our great community. Who knows, within your 1st week we may see an intriguing thread/question. <3


Active Member
Fill the screen at least 75% before you start to flower, enjoy 1-2 oz. if you do it all correctly. Your temperatures are perfect, but I would suggest leaving a cup of water to bump your relative humidity up for vegetative growth. About 60% RH is perfect. However, the 45% RH that you currently have is great for flowering!