how much will I yield?

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
how big are the pots? what nutes you been giving? what lights are they under? are the plants healthy? what strain?


New Member
mostly are healthy, one was having some problems I flushed it and it should be ok. I think it had pH issue because of molasses.
they are all different strains so its hard to say, but some are heavier producers. 1000w light w/ a mixture of nutrients vf11, alaska morbloom, shultz, and I have some ff big bloom too, but its probably more effective with the other ff bloom nutes.


Well-Known Member
Get the plants in the biggest pots possible the better and bigger the root system the bigger the yeiled.and the plants look too big for the plants just put them in the biggest pots you have or buy is imposssible yo estimate the yeiled with out knowing the temps size off lights good co2 intake plenty of fresh air movement and old air been pulled out.but any grower that does not get at least 1 ounce dry of the plants is doing something wrong.get the lights that you are useing has close has possible this will increase the yeiled and help ripen them buds and make them swell nice and fat.but need more information in future or you will get guess work.a good bit of advice is to make a log and keep 1 of every grow that way you can keep improveing.

Brick Top

New Member
I don’t see any reflective material around your plants and only what looks like it might be aluminum foil under your plants, that will not help production at all. It is impossible to guess the actual height of your plants but you said they have been in flower for 4 weeks and they appear to be shorter/smaller than plants I would not even consider putting into flower yet so that will reduce your possible yield. The pictures are not very light/bright so unless you took them when your lighting was off my guess is you do not have very high wattage lighting and that means low production. Since it is a mixed bag of strains while some are claimed to be heavy producers most production claims are only reached by the best growers using the best systems so you can likely count on considerably less yield than the high yielders are claimed to produce. My guess is the 2 to 3 ounces might be roughly accurate or even the very most you could hope for.

You said you hope to get more than that. Well we all hope for more than we get but if you believe you will get more or much more than that I believe you are suffering from delusions of grandeur.


Well-Known Member
I harvested 1 of mine not long ago and i got less than an ounce .. I Was Using Cfl's I Think Im a Have 2 buy a hps


New Member
I don’t see any reflective material around your plants and only what looks like it might be aluminum foil under your plants, that will not help production at all. It is impossible to guess the actual height of your plants but you said they have been in flower for 4 weeks and they appear to be shorter/smaller than plants I would not even consider putting into flower yet so that will reduce your possible yield. The pictures are not very light/bright so unless you took them when your lighting was off my guess is you do not have very high wattage lighting and that means low production. Since it is a mixed bag of strains while some are claimed to be heavy producers most production claims are only reached by the best growers using the best systems so you can likely count on considerably less yield than the high yielders are claimed to produce. My guess is the 2 to 3 ounces might be roughly accurate or even the very most you could hope for.

You said you hope to get more than that. Well we all hope for more than we get but if you believe you will get more or much more than that I believe you are suffering from delusions of grandeur.

you are wrong wrong and then wrong again. but ok mr. negative.


Well-Known Member
i have been in flower just over 4 weeks and my plants are huge compaired with yours you must have started flowering on small imature plants you need to let them grow before flowering you will yeild alot more!


New Member
i have been in flower just over 4 weeks and my plants are huge compaired with yours you must have started flowering on small imature plants you need to let them grow before flowering you will yeild alot more!

oh sad. you got no pics tho all talk.

well I think they are getting there man. I have been using a shitty 1000w hps bulb so I put in the 1000w mh horticultural bulb which makes a big difference.

At this point I just need to finish flowering and cut em down so I can start over. First grow so it was kinda rough.