how much would my electric bill be if i had.. READ


Active Member
2 bed room house nobody living there not going to be running ac


16 / 600WATT HPS 12on 12off
16 / water pumps small
10 / fans
1 / 2000x feet exhaust fan

and some other small stuff

i was thinking about running a 10kW Gas Generator if needed

let me know what you think my power bill will be on this house and what the kwatt would be anybody help thx


Well-Known Member
Per day:

16 x 600W x 12h = 115kWh

Pumps (don't know how much you'll be running them)
16 x ~20W x 24h = 8kWh

10 x ~50W x 24h = 12kWh

I don't know the specs on your exhaust, but that will probably be significant. You're looking at 135kWh / day, which at 10c/kWh (pretty cheap) and not taking into account peak or night usage rates, you will be paying about 13.50/day, or about $400 / month.

At any one time, you will have a max load not including exhaust of 10.4kW. Yikes. An external power source when you've got the lights on sure would help.


Well-Known Member
Is there a way of hooking external generator with current elec? Or would u just have to pair of resources, say like run lites only off of generator, fans exhaust pumps etc off of power company. But then u would have to have a time activated generator starter. This could even out the bill tho.


Active Member
hmm ya 400 a month is crazy i need it to look like its a regulur house like a family living there 400 is going to start up some questions on there half can have that you have any idea what kinda external power souce i would need and how much pre day in gas and gallons it would cost and take to run


Well-Known Member
I found an 8Gallon B&S 10kW generator for about 2k. It only gets about 5hrs at max load, so that's about 20gallons per day. At $4 / gallon, that's $80 per day. That would work for keeping you 'off the radar' in terms of grid usage, but you'd sure be paying for it. That comes out to about 70c / kWh - around 7x what you'd pay off the grid.

Start looking for commercial space ...


Active Member
ya that is getting very pricing it will all pay off at the end when im done so if i use commercial space the power bill can get as high as $400 and i wont be on the rader right you think like a work shop space something like that hmm but then people next to you ill have to invest alot extra in keeping the oder down


Active Member
well the electricity won't dub you in it if you pay your bills on time and always pay as soon as you get them why would they if they are making loads of money off you ??


Well-Known Member
ya that is getting very pricing it will all pay off at the end when im done so if i use commercial space the power bill can get as high as $400 and i wont be on the rader right you think like a work shop space something like that hmm but then people next to you ill have to invest alot extra in keeping the oder down

yeah but smell is something cops can potentially use against you while creeping around outside your house, and if you've got 16 x 600W and plants under them, best believe you're going to need to clean air up in there.


Active Member
yeah but smell is something cops can potentially use against you while creeping around outside your house, and if you've got 16 x 600W and plants under them, best believe you're going to need to clean air up in there.
Oh i know im going to be running 2 Fresh Air Control Budget Carbon with 315mm Outlet - 2400m3/hr

and the 2000x feet exhaust fan witch is a big help and ill also have 2 oder control auto timer sprayers and 2 Air Tiger Ozone Generator

i hope that can control the oder as you can see i have some money invested in this i did get a great deal on my ligths i had them imported from china paid 100 each with the 600watt hps bulb

now i gotta find a generator i did some research on natraule gas generators i guess the cost is lower


Active Member
well the electricity won't dub you in it if you pay your bills on time and always pay as soon as you get them why would they if they are making loads of money off you ??
your telling me a 2 bedrooms house with a 400 dollar power bill wont get noticed or on the rader if i pay my bills what are you for real guy?

400 dollars average is 150 dollars a month for this house


Well-Known Member
wait, wait, wait.

You dont know how to figure out KWH and you wanna run a commercial setup???

Dont do it, bud, you dont have the expierience.

you need to start small and learn before you dive in headfirst.

It is often times that people like yourself give growing marijuana a very bad name, newbies running off trying to get rich, blowing thousands on setups (which Im sure the grow stores LOVE), and not knowing how to properly hide thier grow.

120KWH a day, you must be insane....

Even with a propane generator which can get costs down to .05 cents a KWH you also have to remeber that houses use ENERGY also, and electricity and energy are usually billed together.

So you would be looking at bills of anywhere from $300 to $500 a month PLUS THE HOuse usage...

You gonna be spotted in a second like that man.

Get a friend to let you grow at thier place with like 2 600 watters, and a good ole DWC setup or some soil.

Make a few ounces before you decide you can make a few kilos,


Well-Known Member
Another thing you need to learn real quick is website forums like this FROWN greatly upon the commercial farming aspect of growing marijuana, this website is intended for personal use growers.

IF YOU ARE A COMMIE as i like to call them/us, we should figure ways to disguise our ??s if we need help so as to blend in.

if you are a big timer, try to fill in the scenery a little better.


Active Member
wait, wait, wait.

You dont know how to figure out KWH and you wanna run a commercial setup???

Dont do it, bud, you dont have the expierience.

you need to start small and learn before you dive in headfirst.

It is often times that people like yourself give growing marijuana a very bad name, newbies running off trying to get rich, blowing thousands on setups (which Im sure the grow stores LOVE), and not knowing how to properly hide thier grow.

120KWH a day, you must be insane....

Even with a propane generator which can get costs down to .05 cents a KWH you also have to remeber that houses use ENERGY also, and electricity and energy are usually billed together.

So you would be looking at bills of anywhere from $300 to $500 a month PLUS THE HOuse usage...

You gonna be spotted in a second like that man.

Get a friend to let you grow at thier place with like 2 600 watters, and a good ole DWC setup or some soil.

Make a few ounces before you decide you can make a few kilos,

i have help someone who has been doing it for a few years we have the money to spend on generators i dont know how your going to tell me ill get spotted in a second if im running gas generators and my electric bill is only 100 to 200 a month and yes this is a big grow i know but its hard to figure out the kwatts when this is your first big op grow but money does talk friend and i have 20k to spend on this grow my turn around should be well over that


Active Member
First of all the ONLY way you are going to be able to get away with a grow like that is to set up in an industrial area. you will need to have probably anywhere between 5-10k just to set up the place with all that equipment. (Rewiring is necessary. No room in any house should have more than 2 600watters on it at the same tims.) You would need to have ventilation set up, and you are definately going to need some heavy duty air conditioning. Even venting the lights, youll need ac with that big of a setup.

I admire your ambition. But you really do need to start small scale. Walk before you run or you'll trip!! Would you rather lose a crop under 2 lights, or a whole 16 light crop? I think you would be crazy to start up that big of an operation unless you have 1. a licensed electrician 2. a contractor (making, moving walls, setting up vent system, etc. 3. Have someone with at least a few years experience growing. 4. A safe place in an undustrial park. And you might have to have a fake storefront??

Do yourself a favor and at least grow one crop in your house before you go large scale like this. Trust me.


Active Member
I was writing the last post, as you were writing the one previous, so you already addressed many of the problems i mentioned.. Sounds like you have the cash, and if you do have a person who has a lot of skills growing, then maybe go for it. You might want to have some professionals who set up grow rooms to help you plan this. I know they exist in canada, kind of like growroom consultants. Prob California too. Keep us posted, good luck!
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Active Member
I was writing the last post, as you were writing the one previous, so you already addressed many of the problems i mentioned.. Sounds like you have the cash, and if you do have a person who has a lot of skills growing, then maybe go for it. You might want to have some professionals who set up grow rooms to help you plan this. I know they exist in canada, kind of like growroom consultants. Prob California too. Keep us posted, good luck!
ya i seen that after i got done i kinda covered all the basics i understand to start small i grow mushrooms to and that was hard but after i started small a few ounces i then went to 20 pounds every 2 months its not really that hard once you do start small all you do is math im just trying to find out more about generators and how other people get away with it thats all i need some advice on that i see growing in there house they live in have setups this big

and dude its 4 / 8x4 rooms with custom built aquamist systems the whole width of the room 4 / 600 watt hps pre room and venting is not a problem my cousin is a license contractor so thats taking care of


Well-Known Member
i have help someone who has been doing it for a few years we have the money to spend on generators i dont know how your going to tell me ill get spotted in a second if im running gas generators and my electric bill is only 100 to 200 a month and yes this is a big grow i know but its hard to figure out the kwatts when this is your first big op grow but money does talk friend and i have 20k to spend on this grow my turn around should be well over that
I love how all you seem to speak of is the "money" your gonna make.

First off it really is quaint that you think its so easy to haul in natural gas generators to residental houses, because its NOT.

Neighboors in any area are supsicious fuckers.

NO the leccy company wont turn you in they will love you.

AND AGAIN this website greatly frowns on commercial setups, but please if you have the balls to come one here and talk about having $20k to setup a major grow op, PLEASE POST A DIARY we want to see it.

And finally as it is becoming comon practice big time commercial growers are switching to ROtating Hydrosystems, they run about $3k a piece but hold 320 plants.

work off of 2 1000 watt lights (can pull 8 pounds out of them each)

If you dont know what Im talking about then you are really not ready for what you speak so fluidly about.

and if I was your "exp friend" I would pissed as fuck at you for even coming on here to talk about it.

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Active Member
I love how all you seem to speak of is the "money" your gonna make.

First off it really is quaint that you think its so easy to haul in natural gas generators to residental houses, because its NOT.

Neighboors in any area are supsicious fuckers.

NO the leccy company wont turn you in they will love you.

AND AGAIN this website greatly frowns on commercial setups, but please if you have the balls to come one here and talk about having $20k to setup a major grow op, PLEASE POST A DIARY we want to see it.

And finally as it is becoming comon practice big time commercial growers are switching to ROtating Hydrosystems, they run about $3k a piece but hold 320 plants.

work off of 2 1000 watt lights (can pull 8 pounds out of them each)

If you dont know what Im talking about then you are really not ready for what you speak so fluidly about.

and if I was your "exp friend" I would pissed as fuck at you for even coming on here to talk about it.

I looked into them they are good but not what i want and the house is located on 8 acres guy so i should be able to move in generators with out a problem