How Often to Water from Seedlings Outdoors?


Active Member
So I germinated my seedlings (7 total) and I have 6 that have sprouted and seem to be doing well so far.

They have been growing for about 1 week now and I have been spraying them with water from a water bottle usually multiple times a day when the soil no longer appears to be damp.

This is my first time trying to grow anything and I was looking for some advice on the watering process as the seedlings continue to grow. How often and how much should I be watering these plants?



Well-Known Member
that young I would water them every 3 days. i see the container you have them in allows you to see a lot more so when the bottom is losing moisture its time to water. neat containers by the way


Active Member
that young I would water them every 3 days. i see the container you have them in allows you to see a lot more so when the bottom is losing moisture its time to water. neat containers by the way
Should I completely saturate the soil and then water 3 days later?


Well-Known Member
my thought is that you want good strong plants, which have good root structures and know how to dig deep to get needed water. If you water too much, you have plants which have weak and short roots and they have always had access to water. I dont know how much you are adding, but those are pretty large pots for a little seedling. As they get bigger, go longer in between waterings so they can learn to find moisture.

Hard to say exactly how much , rather try to water 1/2 day after the soil seems dried out. Maybe a little more as the sun bakes down on them.