how safe is it to order


hello peeps, as you can already tell by my title I am wanting the straight truth on how safe it is to order me some auto-flower going the auto-flower route on account of I need to keep it stealthy and out of biggest fear is ordering me some seeds and then having the local leo"s and postmaster come pay me a visit..(that would totally suck), if anyone here would be kind enough to set the record straight for me I would appreciate it a I have never done this before...thanks everyone and happy trails....


Well-Known Member
My friend got his seeds taken by DHS, they sent him a letter saying they took his shit.Thats all. He lives in Colorado and ordered from over seas.


Well-Known Member
Order your seeds........ and use a made up name like uuummm
Unclebuck.....or better yet send me your cash and I'll order them for you grow them for you and smoke them for you and give you a status report on how the quality was.......!
For every order you hear about getting snagged hundreds get thru with no order your shit like we all do keep your fingers crossed and let us know how things go
Good luck to you !


Well-Known Member
ive ordered several times with no prob. I was afraid at first and was gonna get some far out thing but said wtf and ordered from attitude then barnies farms sent to my house using my debit card and real info. never an issue


Well-Known Member
travis i live in Kentucky, if that helps at all and thank you for your info
It's safe. Worse case scenario they take your seeds. If you're paranoid about ordering seeds imagine how paranoid you're gonna be when you start growing. Don't sweat it. Use a guarantee if u can. You'll be fine.
Didn't know seeds were illegal in the states. Just read a few sites, they don't insure delivery to America which is pretty shitty. Can't you visit a local breeder and make a donation for a few clones or seeds?

M4s T3rM1nD is right, just chill it will work out. Take proper precautions when growing your percy, i can smell my downstairs flat (AKA apartment) neighbours grow and can hear the vibrations on his fan :-/ want to tell them but dont want them to freak


Well-Known Member
Same thing no problem with Attitude seeds and they had to send me replacements....And I ain't that far away from Kentucky


Well-Known Member
It's totally safe man. I don't even sweat it. Even in the event they DO get confiscated the only thing they'll do is send you a letter with the green tape. You're in KY. I'm just south of you. My orders always go through one of the more lazy customs departments.
My suggestion is order from Herbies. Use stealth and tracked shipping. ALWAYS opt for guaranteed shipping. If they get snagged Herbies will reship.


Well-Known Member
I orderd from herbies a few times.
always use my debit card.... but i have to call my bank 1st & let them know when im ordering. Otherwise they dont process the order because it comes from overseas. Some safty concers for the bank i guess.

But yeh... it comes descretely. It doesnt say heres those pot seeds u ordered on the package. I wouldnt worry about yer postman. Tell him u bought something on ebay....if he asks.


Active Member
Dude I order twice from attitude seeds used my name credit card got my order in 10 business days no problem ... I did stealth package with T shirt .. I stay in south .. Good luck