How should I grow my marijuana?


Well-Known Member
I've tried and failed over and over again in the past. I can get free seeds left and right, so I continue to try, but they grow taller... taller... taller... Limp over, and die. ]]:

So, I've got two seeds. Soaked them in water for 24 hours until they sank. Now it's time to plant them. All I have is potting soil. Nothing else. The reason for this is that no one has actually been able to help me out so far. I've never gotten anyone to tell me what nutrients to buy, how much to use, and when to use them. I've had people send me links to websites that are supposed to help, but it's just a lot of reading. I'd just like to know what nutrients to buy. How much to use. And when to use them.

Also, I hear something about mixing sand in the soil. What ratio? And is potting soil fine?

When should they start getting light? How often should they get light?

When should I water them/How often?

Anything anyone has to tell me will help a lot. I really want it to work, but I have a feeling it won't unless I get the max amount of help. Thanks.


Active Member
look around much? there's a ton of info on "what to do"

or are you looking more for a DO part A..DO part B...DO part C type of theory?

When they could've seen a pic on the web as to what was wrong with them!


Active Member
k seriously fuck all this high tech shit.
get ur seed plant it in a 2 gal pot.
stick it outside water when soil is dry.
dont waste money on indoor growing and get ur ass outside and grow

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You have to be willing to invest the time in research to do it right. Start here.
Your plants were probably grown with the wrong light, causing them to stretch, fall over, and die.Unfortunately, growing pot indoors is an investment, and you can't skimp on the important stuff, like lights.We all had to do the research, if you're serious about this hobby, you will, too.Good luck.