How soon?


Well-Known Member
How soon before we close Gitmo?

How soon before we dismantle the network of secret detention centers?

How soon before we ban "enhanced interrogation techniques" (torture) and "extraordinary rendition" (kidnap & torture)?

The economic crisis is going to take a long time. Universal health care and military disengagement in Iraq, also. But I'll be disappointed if we don't see some substantial progress on these issues in the first hundred days of Obama's glorious, term of office.


Well-Known Member
How soon before we close Gitmo?

How soon before we dismantle the network of secret detention centers?

How soon before we ban "enhanced interrogation techniques" (torture) and "extraordinary rendition" (kidnap & torture)?

The economic crisis is going to take a long time. Universal health care and military disengagement in Iraq, also. But I'll be disappointed if we don't see some substantial progress on these issues in the first hundred days of Obama's glorious, term of office.
gitmo is as good as closed.
Intill a photo pops up don't count on any other unknown detention centers to close down..
The CIA reportedly operates detention centers in afghanistan, the island of diego-garcia, djibouti, thailand, jordan, morocco, even eastern europe;poland and romania.