How stupid is this??


Well-Known Member
stick with that gf and you may be bunking with bubba and have no future in any branch of the military.

Keep telling people, ANY people and the same is likly to happen.

All before 20.


Well-Known Member
during college my buddies gf did that to him too, called the parents and the brighton police, they fucking raided his dorm room at 3 am!!! even worse found 9 x pills, that fucked him up like u wont believe !!! lose that bitch


how nice, Danny..always telling people only your version of the story. my intention wasn't fucking you up, kid. if i wanted to, id call the police or something, and thats something i would never do, regardless if i was mad or not...
anyway, that "tiptop token" user said everything i was gonna write on here to explain why i did it. you know i was against you planting that shit since the beginning, since you had this stupid idea, but you still did it. you just have NOOO respect for your poor mom who works more than 8 hours a day to feed you and your brothers, you know life is hard for her, specially when she has nobody else to help her with bills, etc, but you still dare putting her life in risk by planting this shit. do it when you have your own house and i won't complain..its your life.
by the way, firefighters shouldn't smoke. i really hope you are aware of this and that you don't get arrested for the 3rd time. I'm not intruding onto your lives troubles anymore..


ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
how nice, Danny..always telling people only your version of the story. my intention wasn't fucking you up, kid. if i wanted to, id call the police or something, and thats something i would never do, regardless if i was mad or not...
anyway, that "tiptop token" user said everything i was gonna write on here to explain why i did it. you know i was against you planting that shit since the beginning, since you had this stupid idea, but you still did it. you just have NOOO respect for your poor mom who works more than 8 hours a day to feed you and your brothers, you know life is hard for her, specially when she has nobody else to help her with bills, etc, but you still dare putting her life in risk by planting this shit. do it when you have your own house and i won't complain..its your life.
by the way, firefighters shouldn't smoke. i really hope you are aware of this and that you don't get arrested for the 3rd time. I'm not intruding onto your lives troubles anymore..

hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahah....OP, shes following you!
heya should post some titty pics.


Well-Known Member
She is now your boss. Do what she says and no one gets hurt. Keep the peace long enough
to show her you no longer grow and kick her to the curb. UNLESS you are legal and just diddnt want
your mom to know then just kick her to the curb and wait for her to send thigs to your grow.
Women can be very mean animals.

EDIT: Firefighters really shouldnt smoke!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, douche :D I'm glad that you not doing anything and being bored makes you feel justified in jeopardising your mums life :) One would think at 19 you'd appreciate the potential of your mum being arrested and losing her job and such. And why do you need a few years in the army to be able to live on your own? I work 25 hours a week and can afford to live on my own and get a grow on in one of the most expensive roads in the city, on minimum wage. And it makes no difference if it is simply experiemtnal, you are putting your mother at risk, that makes you quite aptheti and quite selfish. row the fuck up. As i said, your girlfriend seems far more mature than you are. Maybe getting blown up will be good for you :)
i never read any of your posts before, but man, you work a whopping 25 hours a week.. must be stressful, you never got busted as a kid with weed? for the OP... my ex called the cops on me for some bullshit, thats why shes an ex.. ill never be with anyone thats quick to dial the police... oh and whoever i quoted.. youre an adult making minimum wage, must suck balls.. whats your fall back plan when all you west coasters ruin this medical bill?


Well-Known Member
my girlfriend got mad at me for some stupid reason, and messaged my mother on Facebook telling her that i was growing weed in my room... share your thoughts
This is why you never tell anyone period. Maybe tell your GF of 10 years once you are both 50 but before that keep mouth shut and grow stealth. Period, you can trust no one, brother, sister, gf, neighbor, friend no one.


Well-Known Member
how nice, Danny..always telling people only your version of the story. my intention wasn't fucking you up, kid. if i wanted to, id call the police or something, and thats something i would never do, regardless if i was mad or not...
anyway, that "tiptop token" user said everything i was gonna write on here to explain why i did it. you know i was against you planting that shit since the beginning, since you had this stupid idea, but you still did it. you just have NOOO respect for your poor mom who works more than 8 hours a day to feed you and your brothers, you know life is hard for her, specially when she has nobody else to help her with bills, etc, but you still dare putting her life in risk by planting this shit. do it when you have your own house and i won't complain..its your life.
by the way, firefighters shouldn't smoke. i really hope you are aware of this and that you don't get arrested for the 3rd time. I'm not intruding onto your lives troubles anymore..

maybe danny was trying to help with the bills...

go ahead call me rude.. you got a problem with the way hes living his life dont be a part of it