How tall are your mothers?


Active Member
I was wondering how tall everyone keeps their mothers for cloning? Really I wanted to know if I could keep one at around 18 inches? What I want to do is keep two mothers and pull 1 or 2 clones off then throw her into flower and keep a clone has a mother. Sounds like a good plan on paper but who knows irl let me know how you do it.


Well-Known Member
i have done this many times its good in my opinon since u could have a mother veging for like 6 months and is huge put in the flour for a huge yield compared to lower vegged clones and the clone for the new mother would be the exact same gentic as the mother so if the mother is a pheno the clone will be a pheno so whats the harm did it every 4-6 months and my mother that i flower always yielded more than any other of my plants


Active Member
Thanks man that is what I kind of thought I would have to do. It is good to hear that it worked out for you, hopefully it will work on my end.


Well-Known Member
mine is about a foot haha and its alright i dont recommend it taht short 18" should be fine i get nice clones from mine