How tall should a plant be to move outside full-time


Hey everyone , I was just curious on how tall my plants should be before I send them off to their new life outside . I want them outside asap but I dont want anything less then 2 ounces. Any help from the public would be appreciated !
Thanks for your time !!


Well-Known Member
You can put them outside any time, but you have to do it correctly. You can bring them out in the shade for a couple of days, then partial sun, and finally full sun over a few days..

As long as you do that, they will get used to the sun at nearly any stage of growth.


I've been putting them out in the day then under light at night , would that count as getting use to the sun ? Before I leave them out. They are only sprouts 1 and half maybe 2 inches tall 4 leafs . And what about yield ?


Well-Known Member
you will have to move them outside after about 2 months to get 2 oz per plant. you need it two ft tall and multiple budsites


Well-Known Member
by mid october they will be done. they start flowering around august 1st so you have from now till august 1st give or take a few days to get them as big as you can. plus not knowing how big they are now would help. if they are a foot tall at least already go ahead and put them outside. if you want as much as you can put them out 10 to 12 weeks before the temps start dropping
From experience do NOT put them straight in the sun, your leafs will burn and just get to much stress. I waited about two months on my second grow to put them outside and yes slowly give them sun and you can stop giving them light. Oh and put a fan on them so they can get strong and wont bent or breaks when they get hit with outdoor air.


Yea I know . I just don't know how to apparch plants from seeds I always just had clones that were a foot tall and I'd just put them outside . So know about flowering harvesting and all that stuff . Thanks for the info !


Oh I see . So I should keep putting the sprouts outside and then inside ? I usually put them out at 8am and then put them inside around 6


Well-Known Member
seeds are usually stronger once they grab good. I see no reason to wait 2 months to put your plants out. Put em' out now, just adjust them for a few days by putting them out for just a bit, and then in the shade, and then back out. I got seedlings that just popped up that have been in full sun all day today already! I adjusted them 2 days and that's it. They were pulling toward the sun and following it across the sky today!


I can't wait 2 months probably 2 weeks at the most . They have to leave my house haha don't ask why. But good to hear man, so do you think my sprouts will be okay 24/7 outside if I just keep teasing them with the sun ?


Well-Known Member
yuppp.. just set them outside for a few hours everyday.. more and more each time until they can be out there fully.. they just need time to adjust to intensity of the sun, temperature ect...


Well-Known Member
You've been putting them out from 8 to 6, 10 hours. They're already acclimated. Go ahead and leave them out.
All my vegging plants are outside now, even seedlings and germing seeds! They love it.


Active Member
i put my plants right in the sun as soon as they sprout. it would probably be good to leave them in a shady area at first because in nature the seedlings would be overshadowed by larger plants but mine seem to like it. i think the sooner they get out the better adjusted to outside conditions