How Tall Should They Be On Average Around 3 1/2 Weeks?


Ive got headband plants about 3 1/2 weeks old from sprout. They are about 5 inches tall with about 4 tiers. Is this a normal height or should they be taller by now? I havent fed them nutes yet and Im using a 125 watt cfl. Should I upgrade to a bigger light like a T-5 or metal halide and when would it be good to start adding nutes?


Active Member
Size depends on many factors. Strain, individual specimen strength, light, medium, air, temps, etc. etc. You can have the worlds tallest growing strain and stunt it with improper care. On the flipside you could have 2 different strains in optimal conditions and a sativa could be 2x as tall as an indica!

Pics help a lot more though! Just for a comparison, here is me at coming up to ~4.5 weeks. If you read my journal you will see they almost didn't make it and for a while did nothing.

They have a ton of undergrowth as well. I could almost take a few clones if I wanted. Just going to flower next week though and get my primo seeds germing by fall.


for sure. well they are indica im pretty sure. its the headband and im guessing the reason why they arent growing as much as i would like is because i am using a 125 watt cfl. In about a week im going to switch to metal halide so we will see what happens there. Also, i havent started nutrients yet either. I was thinking about starting the nutrients in a few weeks after i transplant the plants from 1 gallon buckets to 3 gallon buckets.