How the richest president in history works the deals


New Member
Hey vervej., ....good posts, points well made.
Thanks for documentation of my hunch that J.F.Kennedy was close to the top of the heap!
I love your record!
I seriously doubt that all that money was Johns, I'll bet he had to share with Bobby and Teddy. And he had his money from birth! Bush made his money from shady deals with Saudis and straw companies set up by outside interests in influence through his father, mostly illegal stuff if you could pin it down! Anyway, who cares, the people (remember them) have spoken so all you suits be aware, your jobs might be in jeopardy!


New Member
so all you suits be aware, your jobs might be in jeopardy!

Not worried about my job, Med. I make my own way in this world and always have.



New Member
Med sez ...

"I seriously doubt that all that money was Johns, I'll bet he had to share with Bobby and Teddy. And he had his money from birth! Bush made his money from shady deals with Saudis and straw companies set up by outside interests in influence through his father, mostly illegal stuff if you could pin it down!"

Have you ever done any research on where the Kennedy money came from, Med?

"The only difference between you and an armed robber is, you don't use a gun!"

Here's another one of your very thought provoking comments, Med. Now that you've made the comment, please tell us exactly how real estate agents take things by force like "armed robbers."
