"How to avoid being caught" BIG Picture (EXP)


New Member
Hello everyone

Like all of you in this forum i love the most handsome plant on earth, our beloved weed.
I am following this forum and others for a long time ago, but i wasnt registered in any till today. Why? Because a friend of mine told me that he was growing weed. So? So he was making mistakes not in the growing but in what to do to avoid being caught. A old question "How to avoid being caught ?".
That´s the subject that brings me here. Why here? Because this forum is priceless, you can learn everything in here, from the very first step to the final. It´s like a giant tree weed full of information. yeah sure, but the ideia is? The main concern of almost all of us is getting caught. My ideia isnt to make another thread with tips and stuff like that. We want the BIG picture of "How to avoid being caught". Depends 95% on you. Can you believe that? The other´s 5% is for what you cant control. If the 5% becomes 6% etc, probably it´s your fault.
I dont intend to create a master discussion about others subjects related to this one, like people judging who grow´s to smoke (saving money ofc) and sells, etc. From my perspective all i can say is "I dont judge, simple as that" Let´s use common sense ofc =)
That´s the reason that brings my here, How to make our job of not getting caught a lot more "easier", specially for the new people in this forum and others. I dont want to discuss if you should use CFL or bulbs, that´s not the point. The point is, if you want to make it right and maintain that´s 5%? Put your shit together cuz you have a lot to think about. I aint no expert or nothing like that, but i can say this, from the moment that you have everything set to go in whatever you intend to do, you really need to have those 95% on your side. if not, less it gets, you know the rest.

First of all if any admin or moderator think´s its a just a wast of time you can just delete it, i will still come everyday to smoke some info out of it =)

The main goal of this is for people help each other.
i dont like to discuss if selling it is correct or not, i dont like to discuss if you are better or not person because of that. If you need or not? to pay bills or cars? i just dont give a shit tbh.

For me there is this "grow, smoke and sell it is more than enough, illegality talking."

I do not consider myself a master or anything like that, but if i can help you i will, like i will help my friend. I like to think that most people here are good people, like me friend is.

Said this, i am going to answer the big question "HOW"?

One word for you only - Planning

Before anything else you really need to do it, this will make all the difference of increasing those 5% or not. Sucess begins with planning, always!

Rules, What to do, Attitude, etc.. there is a lot of things in it.

I will write how we roll and why we do things this way.
The answers for this kind of questions "pay with card yes or no? how can i sell? how can i prevent this or that? how not to be connected to my dealer?" It depends only from each situation and how you do things, but you need to learn your situation, period.

I believe that for most of you is just bullshit, but like i said i aint "no one" :mrgreen:

I will try to update whenever i can.


My first step, if you want to call it that, was not to register anywhere. I'm so obsessive about that? Not really, its only a question of simplicity. I am not saying that i think that cops read this kind of forums, but i am saying if i am not registered in it, i dont need to think about it in the first place -Simplicity

Simplicity from the top to bottom in the plan. Dont make any mistake between a simple plan and a sloppy plan to make it simple.

Not get caught is a state of mind that you need to have in that part of your life. The level of that state will determine how you do everything. It´s years of your life though. If you want to go with it, just make things right. You have to find and learn by yourself how you can make things work in your situation. You can find the best for your if you work for that. Like everything perfection doesnt exist. There are no perfect plans, if you disagree is bad start from my perspective.

Simplicity will answer a lot of questions, believe me.

There is many things that you also need to pull this right, like Perception, Lies, a lot of appearances, etc.. People arent stupid but they will only see, know, think, from whatever you show to them. Just play normal, plan it to be like a normal thing. What story you can get just make it simple and normal as possible so dont try funny and crazy stuff. People read patterns in their subconscient, so if your pattern looks like everyone pattern, you are just one more person with a standar pattern. Easy! Too much sloopiness and too much careful isnt good, the middle is what you need.

Set to go
I dont intend to encourage nothing or anyone to do anything.
It´s based on my person, age, my work style (yeah, i dont live from this, its a mistake to do that for many reasons), if i am alone or not, my country, etc. Remember that what works for me maybe will be not work for you for many reasons but if in some how this can help you and i learn something from you, is what matters.
I will ignore judgments, not because i m rude but only because is just a waste of time to argue whatever that comes up most of the times. I am not proud but i aint ashamed of it either.

For me was impossible to make it in my house, for many reasons some will appear during the process.
I thought in whatever i remembered to come up, pros cons.
Let´s get smart, who will make possible to have always a closed room in their apartment (normal one) for a entire year or more and no one asks nothing, friends, parents, brothers, gf, etc?
Dont bring them. Sure, it works but it isnt normal, you will break several patterns, you can allways lie if you know how to but that is probably a bomb on the clock. It all depends of each person relationships, life, etc. Separate your real life from this new one. In case of problems there is less problems, again simplicity.​

Options? Rent? A garage? Apartment?
The lease is always made on a real name based, dont fake an id or something like that. Dont add nothing more. Rule "grow, smoke and sell it is more than enough, illegality talking."

I want normality, a garage doing 2000W/h isnt that normal. Besides extraction problems that you may encounter, if it is a box or not, windows or not, if so to where, etc.
Dont damage nothing that dont belongs to you, if have to make a hole of 15" in the wall to get any kind of extraction, my advise is not to do it. There is a lot of real estate in the market of renting. Find one that dont need any kind of adaptions, i am not talking about hanging the bulbs in the ceiling. But in fact i check the ceiling to see if i can hang them safely, i dont want a fire from a rotten ceiling.

Apartments and villas are in the most cases the best choice, depends on your overall budget if you can an apartment or a villa and where you live.

Alone or with a friend? Working with someone makes everything a lot more easier. Of course it has its pros and cons. I say this, one hand wash the other hand and both wash the face. There is still exist true friend´s. It´s a risk that i taking and it is the same for him.

If you talked to him and he says no, never but ever talk about it again. If he asks it later, you just dropped the ideia. maybe he is still your best friend but you want hardness rules. Only your ass in, only your ass knows.

Alone or not will make a huge difference in your plan.
If your friend is on, you will need to be able to speak with him "freely". Get 2 new numbers and pay in cash. You are doing this for the long term. The problems probably will come when you start meeting and knowing people, when you are in the business for a time. You dont know if they are under surveillance or not. Maybe they arent now but you dont know in the nex month or in the other. You cant control it, so make it simple. If they are and if the cops can link your face to a name and therefore to a number in some mobile company the odds are not good of not being taped.

You arent buying to smoke, you are selling. Even if not at the time you want to do it in the future so you dont need and you dont want the cops taping your phone to find out what is your role. Let´s assume that your dealer is one bad thug (next time choose another) and cops are on him so they tape your phone too. You didnt made the mistake of talking hot stuff on the phone, or making some shitty code to talk with your friend, so only casual and work subjects it´s the max that they will record. (always think ahead)

For both this will be our 2nd house. It can be more easy to do or not. If you cant sleep 2 or 3 days in a row out of your parents house, i am not saying dissappear for 3 days. Just appear for dinner during 3 days and that get you in trouble think again. I am not talking about a concerned mother who is accustomed to it. I am talking about the other moms.
You are working, you have your girls, friends whatever. You need this kind of "freedom". The same to your friend.

He must have the same commitment as you, if he doesnt have dont do it. Go alone.

Just input the right attitude on in it, i can say like if your life or freedom depended on it because it does in fact. The right attitude will make the output of being caught decrease, it isnt science its logic.

Another Rule, only me and he knows about this number. We dont contact anyone else with it directly related to the hot stuff (landlord, elect company, etc. are ok).
No texting messages for the case of a lost phone. no names. nothing on it except numbers. One is mine the others would be from those i mentioned.

So? its a lost phone! IT CAN BE A HUGE PROBLEM!
A few years ago i lost my wallet with money and my documents in it. Later that day a cop call to my phone saying that someone founded my wallet and handed in the police station wich turns up was near my house also. Everything was in the wallet, all the money and also 2 parking tickets. He saw them when was trying to find my number, handled easy.

Moral of the story, there are still good people in earth. Put the phone instead of the wallet and thye have wikibiz full of hot information about your "business" for them to read (Names,transactions,weights, prices etc).
Instead of a phone call i will get sooner or later full raid in my house. Police actually do their job, their job is to work with what you give to them in one way or other. If they connect the dots...
I actually dont grow in the adress that can be traceable by law enforcemnts. If the other address is also in my name,isnt a problem, i can have x houses if i want. Main residence, you choose wich one is it. The address that they have is my main address for real, there is sanctions for false stament´s. I dont need to lie on that, keep things simple. Dont bring heat. The other is still traceable but its hard to find from their side, they dont need that in fact. Your landlord will say. Overall i still have a lot to explain and i will get caught for sure. All the people that they can connect to this is fucked up.

Maybe we are all lucky and the phone died before someone catch him or maybe he was full on power. What is the odds for this or for that to happen? Even about my wallet? You tell me!​

Yeah but the landlord number is still on the phone and you dont know who the cops call first. I know this, nothing on the phone, landlord knows nothing about stuff and decidedly they will not go to any address to delivery a phone or a wallet. UPS for deliveries.

What kind of house we choose? Why? Why we move? Concerns about that.

i want near from us, common sense. We switch the person who rents/lease everytime we move, so when its on my name its better to stay near me, when its on his name we go for their side. The location settings changes, for each one of us. what he does? where he works? what is the distance between work-house and reverse. How much time he needs to do that? This all matters.

My friend have a steady job in a company and he doesnt need to travel in business and stuff like that. So when it goes on his side we just pick something in his route, i prefer halfway for obvious reasons.

To schedule visits just dont use your personal phone, the new one is good. At the beginning probably there isnt many concerns , but after 1 year or 3 years in business the odds of a possible tape on in it increases. Why? Because probably you werent gowing 5 plants, you are making 20, 30 plants. We all know the rest, better you are more and better weed you will get most likely. 20, 30 plant making 6 harvest a year could easly represent a considerable value of product.
You dont want to tell cops where your next "office" is located while talking to your next landlord, wich can be what they problay are looking for. Assumes always that you dont know so dont get sloppy. Dont use the personal phone for nothing related to this, if you lost the phone or your friend, ofc you can use the personal one, after all he is your friend but maintain a conversation according to that. We know what to say and what to do, it isnt a crisis at all but we dont know if someone is listening, you dont know so dont go sloppy, again!

What its too much for me can be nothing for you. The question isnt the money but if what you produce can bring some sort of attention over you.
If your dealers are well connected and highly requested not only for people on their city but from the surrondigs, if they they are able to sell a lot. How much comes from you its your call. Only you providing weed to them?

Imagine one well connect dealer that sells 3.3lbs of your weed every 2 months. The way he sells is up to him, you dont want to control the dealer or dealers or sub-dealers, to be able to "care less" about that i will explain how i do it later.
Anyway if sells 3.3lbs and lets say 1.1lbs in individual 10$ bags, this mean a lot of bags and a lot of people and could mean a lot of problems (expect everything). Phones taped could be more important or not as the case of each one. if he sells 7.05 oz every 2 months is a total different thing.
You have to be able to know what its too much so doesnt bring any unnecessary eyes and hears over you. Low profile above all. In a city where weed is scarce, one dealer sold 21oz to a sub-dealer, in 10$ bags this means even more and more people adding to the number from your main dealer 10$ bags. The sub dealer want to sell it in a blink so he talks to his homies and says that he only have 21oz of weed, can be this a problem? Maybe yes maybe not. just dont sell in the district or city or the next one from where you actually live. That brings some problems ofc, but we will handle them later.
The level of paranoia about tapes, surveillance its all up to you. Find your place and you will get the answer to that.

You have to build something strong to tell to the landlord. The true works so use it add something on it if you must to, but whatever you add maintain it simple. Example?
When we rent on his name, he is who he says he is. The landlord need to know me aswell, i dont want him to thing i am a tenant but i dont want to be a foreigner. I am just a business man making some degree in a college near by, my friend wants and is able to help if i need somewhere to stay nearby after one day of working and classes.

Always want the last floor, for many reasons. The main is this one, Fire. I dont want to kill anyone. ofc the apartment can blow, but its totally different being in the mid of 2 neighbors or be the last one.
A villa can be great sometimes but most of them are too complicated. In a villa you will have most likely 3 direct neighbors that you need to worrie about, sides and front. Lesse people attract more attention to you, even if they are not so pushy about your life, you are their neighbor in the end.
If you want to harvest 1 time per year ok, its easy. but if you want harvest 4 a 6 times per year you need a lot of supplies. For instance you can calculate what you need for the whole year and storage inside. Remember everything you do is make with your money. Minimize the costs. If you are growing 30 plants and harvesting 6 times a year you will need a lot of soil. You have money and you can storage, good. 2 month later you need to get out of the house in 30 days for some reason, we all know that can happen more probably or not.

That isnt the point, the point is that you have 30 days to find a new place like the last one because you need to. Remember, now you have a zillion of soil bags just to start. The problem isnt getting out of that house, the problem is that you need to get into the new one and you want to it without raising any suspicious. But now you have plants too. All the equipement. 30 days and decreasing. And it gets hard and hard. Simplicity!

Ofc villas are more likely to get more attention in country´s like USA because of some equipment (Ex: Thermals etc etc.) They exist, they caught people. There is a lot of threads in forums and videos on youtube about this. But like everything else, you will see someone saying one thing and other saying otherwise. You a newbie freaking out for an answer because is important to you to not get caught.
Best way to get info SOURCE! You can find some leaks about this all over the internet and most likely connect to some kind of notice in police ability to fight grow rooms for example.
The media told everything about it? maybe yes maybe not. They even show the manufacturer, the most important thing of all. Do it right. DIG IN and find what in fact they can do or not. You have the power to decide what is good information and if it is feasible to do.​


Active Member
After reading that "epic" comment, I really did try and read it. But damn, shit's unreadable dude. I'm sure there is something worth taking out of it but after about 300 words my brain could not compute anymore.

Here, I'll simplify that essay down for you:

1) Don't sell
2) Don't smell
3) Don't tell
4) Think 1 step ahead. Spend an hour every night thinking of "what if's?" .

Rinse and repeat.

You can even get that 5% figure down to 1% .


New Member
After reading that "epic" comment, I really did try and read it. But damn, shit's unreadable dude. I'm sure there is something worth taking out of it but after about 300 words my brain could not compute anymore.
i will try to work it out. Isnt my mattern language so i am not used to write long wills :S

anyhelp is welcome!


New Member
After reading that "epic" comment, I really did try and read it. But damn, shit's unreadable dude. I'm sure there is something worth taking out of it but after about 300 words my brain could not compute anymore.

Here, I'll simplify that essay down for you:

1) Don't sell
2) Don't smell
3) Don't tell
4) Think 1 step ahead. Spend an hour every night thinking of "what if's?" .

Rinse and repeat.

You can even get that 5% figure down to 1% .
Than maybe you dont need anything of this stuff ;)


Well-Known Member
How bout this, if u dont want to get caught, dont let ANYONE know where the house is, filter your air, keep power bill within reason, if you sell and grow at the same time dont go to the grow before or directly after selling, dont get greedy, that will eliminate most all of your problems.


New Member
How bout this, if u dont want to get caught, dont let ANYONE know where the house is, filter your air, keep power bill within reason, if you sell and grow at the same time dont go to the grow before or directly after selling, dont get greedy, that will eliminate most all of your problems.
The house begins to burn. You dont even know, but lets think that you have a camera on your room. You know but you cant do anything about it. You cant call no one. fireman means police. they go in. they return. But the cops can bring a gift, one digital scale and some hard evidences of growing with intent to sell, that is guaranteed. How many plants? 30? 40? 10? + digital scale means a lot of problems. thats for sure.

How about this?
In that house only stays what is needed to grow, ONLY. If my house burns i only want to see grow-related stuff nothing more nothing less coming out. I still have 10, 20, 30, plants to explain. But i dont have to explain, bags, digital scale and other things related. they have plants and equipment. i aint saying that those evidencies are insufficient to prosecute. They just dont have nothing more to add to it.


New Member
likely that the cops cang bring a gardening robe. i always switch before entering the room, so i dont smell if i need to leave. i dont have problems with smell, i don't even need to think about it at all. On clothes ofc.


Well-Known Member
I stopped reading when you mentioned renting a place to grow. As a landlord i would hope no one was using "my" property as a grow! If you cann't afford to own your place to grow pot get your ass outdoors!!!! I grew my pot in the woods, made my money and bought my own place!!!


Active Member
Well, the more you grow the more chance of getting caught.

But for personal amount grows and the fire example I have a smoke alarm and extinguisher right next to my grow. If i'm home I can put it out hopefully. If I'm not well, the house will be burned down and I doubt the cannabis will make it... i'll just say I was growing chillies or something