How to choose a clone?


Well-Known Member
what's the requirements for a "good" branch to use with cloning? just 2 leaf sets/nodes, or already as big as possible? Something else? :leaf:

I'm wondering how to best to choose a branch to use as a clone. Couldn't find any one big thread on it, and not much info in the guides either...

Any thoughts guys? :weed:


Well-Known Member
I know it's tough figuring this out. I have yet to find a decent guide even though you can find a ton of them on google or youtube etc. There are so many varied opinions it isn't even funny! As long as you don't try to just clone a leaf is about all I have managed to learn so far.. that and not to take them in flower (although you can do this too)!


Well-Known Member
I have had the most success with branches that have the thickest stem. I have also heard many other people with the same opinions, but it isn't the only factor. It's important to have a solid cloning technique as well.


what's the requirements for a "good" branch to use with cloning? just 2 leaf sets/nodes, or already as big as possible? Something else? :leaf:

I'm wondering how to best to choose a branch to use as a clone. Couldn't find any one big thread on it, and not much info in the guides either...

Any thoughts guys? :weed:
i used small branches right after i seen that the sex was female

here is a picture from the day i cut them, 6? days ago ?? i checked them today, they all had small root's sticking out so i transplanted them.



Active Member
Yeah I feel what youre saying here. SOOOO much info.
I would start with building a decent DIY clone machine if
you havent already. And I think rooting solution seems
to be a good idea. Im hoping to try and clone for the first time
on one of my black-jack plants when I start that grow.

It will pay off to learn it... Save time, and money buying seeds.
And then if you learn pollanating techniques, Start cross breeding
and create youre own strains. The possibilities are endless.

Meanwhile... im still trying to study cloning like you. I feel your pain.
So many opinions....SO much info... and its still not "that clear".


Well-Known Member
Dumb question.. this cloning machine is that if you are going all hydro or can you make your clones in a hydro cloning system to start and then move them to soil?

I am on my very first grow and sticking with soil until I get a bit of experience under my belt before pondering hydro/aero/bubble as I know for sure it is a faster system. Soil is much more forgiving though so until I build up some confidence it is the way I am going.

Be great if you could clone in something like an aerogarden or home made hydro system and then move them to soil.. give me *some* experience with hydro anyway :P

Sorry to hi-jack the thread.. still love to see as much about cloning as is possible!


Well-Known Member
i know it's been awhile for this post but yes you can clone in hydro and move to soil i currently have three babies from my buddy he does hydro i do soil and they are doing great had them for about a week now new growth and everything.
I have had the most success with branches that have the thickest stem. I have also heard many other people with the same opinions, but it isn't the only factor. It's important to have a solid cloning technique as well.

I have had the least success with cloning from branches that have the thickest stem. I thought, with a doubt, that success would increse but it did not. In fact with 100% humidity the thick hollow stems turn into mush. I recommend finding something in between. Nothing too hard as it will take a long time to finally show some sprouts. Like many people, try too take really any branch as long as it has grown past the first node of leaves. With this cut you will be pruning your plant & you with produce 2 branches in return. Cut a 45 degree angle cut somewhere that is not too hard nor too soft. This cut should be somewhere that leaves you with a clone that is at least 3 inches in height. I also found that using a commercial air bubble really helps. I cut rock-wool cubes, poke a hole, take cutting and immediately dip them in a rooting solution with distilled water. I then elevate them in trays just above the bubblers. i also will take a humidifier and pump distilled water into the chamber that is set on a timer to turn on every few hours. The set-up has greatly increased my success rate.