how to get denser buds


Well-Known Member
hey guys , the title says it all
how do i get denser buds
this grow im using flora nova bloom and liquid koolbloom
i heard the koolbloom makes the buds denser but i was wondering what else can i do to make my buds denser
my last two grows the buds were very soft, the smoke was good but the buds were just soft
so how do i get denser buds guys , thanks


Well-Known Member
I think there are a look of factor that come into play to answer a question like that

I healthy plant will provide dense buds, adding C02 will help you plant grow more

I have been adding molasses to a weekly feeding and my plants are looking great

What kind of plant did you grow? Do you know the strain?

Some are meant to be airy


Well-Known Member
im growin big buddha cheese
i usually use molasses during the last two weeks of flowering
do you use it all through the grow??
thanks for the reply


Well-Known Member
if u got $$$ ''bloombastic'', but if not, theres a hydro co. called amhydro that has this shit called 'gravity' that werks fer densening em up!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Dont blow it directly, it will not make them denser, maybe styems but not buds. If you blow a fan directly on a plant the plant can dehydrte and suffer from wind burn.


Well-Known Member
lots of different things contribute to a succesful dense bud grow... first off, to say anyting or make suggestions in any fashion i(we) must know what ur curretnly using to grow so we can offer suggestions and comments to help u either make it better or use something different.


Well-Known Member
so pretty much im gonna have to deal with fluffy buds because im using cfl's
i have a lot of them but i know they have nothing on mh or hps
i dont have the ventilation to get a light like that so i have to stick to cfl
thanks guys


Well-Known Member
so pretty much im gonna have to deal with fluffy buds because im using cfl's
i have a lot of them but i know they have nothing on mh or hps
i dont have the ventilation to get a light like that so i have to stick to cfl
thanks guys
I use molasses from start of 12-12 until the final flush before harvest with fantastic results.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
so pretty much im gonna have to deal with fluffy buds because im using cfl's
i have a lot of them but i know they have nothing on mh or hps
i dont have the ventilation to get a light like that so i have to stick to cfl
thanks guys
u can grow nice harvests with CFL's .. my suggestion is tho to get high yielding strains (e.g big bud, mango, cronic..etc) so that wheile u are using cfl's the pant will inadvertently yield more anywys due to the strains... but this is just a suggestion ... what strains did u want/thinking about using?


Well-Known Member
so pretty much im gonna have to deal with fluffy buds because im using cfl's
i have a lot of them but i know they have nothing on mh or hps
i dont have the ventilation to get a light like that so i have to stick to cfl
thanks guys
u should get a 150 watt hps it doesnt get hot at all i only got a lil tiny fan on mybabies too