How to get weed any where


Active Member
I was thinking about wat marc emery always says. Get as many people stoaned as posible! Hes in prison now so he caant even get stoaned him self and we need to step it up! Im not saying u should go hide vaporizers in the air ducts in walmart. All I'm saying is we need to do our part. Heres the problem thow. Lots of places dont have any way of geting there herb. Ether u cant find any dealer or u gata go to a gheto and risk geting fuck and lets say u r just a tuf mofo and the gheto dont scare u. Do u realy wana get flat driving on all the used syringes that seem to find them selves all over the road and some times in skool lunchrooms.... God Im glad I graduated from that shit hole any ways! we need to find a way for people to find weed on there own safely from there computer. How thow? There has to b a way. Theres a way to do everything if u think hard. OJ got away well the first time and bush got elected twice. Sure we may hate them but they thot and figured out a way to get wat they wanted even thow it seemed imposible. Now it our time! So leave ur thots and how u think we can get sweet marijuana to more places and more people so anyone anywhere can have access to it!


Well-Known Member
i save all my roaches in a jar when its full i wipe it off and give to the first homeless person that i see at my local intersection.


I like the thought here, i believe the best way is like johnny appleseed, sow the good seed from coast to coast. I wonder if there is really a way to do that this day and age? I got a big bag of seeds to pitch in. How do i go about dispersing them to the needy and able (to grow)?


Active Member
Oh this will happen for sure...once the gov't pulls their head out of their ass and realize they are wasting everybody's money...for nothing. War on a plant...fucking retarded!


Well-Known Member
Bake some baked goods and hand them out. ;) For example: Make a batch of cookies (not to strong). wrap them up so they "look" retail. You can even spend a little money and make "retail" stickers to put on them. Go hand them out during X-Mas at an old folks home.

Serious answer:

1. Learn to grow your own.
2. Gain experience and knowledge.
3. Teach others.


Active Member
Anybody can order seeds online from a seedbank so everyone has access there but I'm talking about people who want to just smoke it without having the risk of having to grow and get caught. Ive been experimenting with new ways that anyone can use in order to find weed. All I did was use my head and I thought okay if I dont have any connections what so ever and I live in a very dry or anti pot area how can I have access to weed? Then I thought well I will need to go to where pot heads r. So like a hydroponic store or head shop but u dont wanrt to just go asking random people even there so I took to so I would have no actual human contact. I typed in hydroponics and looked for posts that had to do with marijuana growing. LIke people that had rockwool cubes, blooming ferts, ordor control and things of that nature. I then picked one and emailed the person. Once uve done this easy step act like a pot head using slang like dude, man or bro to let them no ur younger or more laid bac. Dont just come out and say ur growing weed cuz they could b growing tamatoes or sumten and b anti pot which then ul b fucked. Once We started talking I asked wat they wer growing and as a response I got herbs cuz hes not gana say weed right off the bat but if I was grown tamatoes I would b thinking of weed. I would just think of herbs for spices I guess it was hes talkin about. Also using a signature on the email that has to do with weed that only pot heads will understand works great. As mine I used love the sativa. Anti pot heads probly havent done enuf studyen to know what sativa is so I just went with that to b more stealthy. Eventualy I made my way to asking him if we had any plants for sale. By this time I have done everything in my will to let him know I am looking for weed. Keep it mind use pot terms only pot heads would no so if he is anti pot he wont know wat ur talking about. Any ways! Once I met him and baught a couple things (wasnt going to buy anything but he had some good stuff for cheap, was just gana email for info) and then I saw he was young and looked like a smoker and grower for that matter so I came out and asked and when I did I found out this is a better supplier then my current one so wat was ment to b a study and way for others to benefit actualy benefited me a large number of ways. This does work and liek I said I have done it just recently with great results. If u need weed then try this!!!! but b stealthy and for everyone else like I said if we use our heads we can think of ways so lets think of more!


Active Member
I wasnt orignaly trying to score a sac. Just trying to find easy ways to locate a dealer but in the proces I actualy found a better dealer then i had lolz. A lot of people dont have any comon sence wat so ever thow so this is for them. I also found another way so Il go ahead and include it. I own a business that involves a lot of manual labor. Its legal but I dont want my info all over the web. I also have a frind who owns the same kind of business and he hires a lot of x convicts. (stick with me here lolz) I have no reason for working for him but I have worked with him while visiting and convicts work hard for afew reasons. Because of there record they cant get many jobs so when they get one they work very hard to keep it so they tend to try very hard when it comes to work and just being respectful but thats just during work. We all no he was in prison and the chances r he smokes weed or has connections so at lunch I had a chat with one and by the end of the conversation I found my self with his number and a quarter sack he was keeping in his truck and from wat he said theres more where that came from. I was expecting dirt weed so I was suprized when I saw it was og kush O.O Hope this helps somebody get there lungs nice and green! Il keep ya posted with any other ideas and succes I may have.