How to Hide My Hydro bill?


Well-Known Member
I live with my girlfriend and shes on welfare so there for i have my income and she has welfare giving her money! We want to move into a townhouse beacause my growing in my closet with a 400w light aint cutting it any more. I would like to move into a townhouse and use room in the basement for growing (bigger space) with a 600w to 1000w bulb going BUT she has to show her case worker hydro bill! What can i do???


Well-Known Member
i work 16 hour shifts bud, anyways im posting this for positive comments so i can expained my growing needs! any ideas?


Well-Known Member
i work 16 hour shifts bud, anyways im posting this for positive comments so i can expained my growing needs! any ideas?
You work a job but your girlfriend gets her money from my taxes. Man up and get her off welfare so I dont have to keep paying for her ass. Or at least send her around once a week so I can get something for my money.

Then with the extra cash you make from the grow you wont have to worry about her working. Or maybe she could just get a job... What a concept.
Man! You can stack the cash yourself, you are working 16 hour shifts or just show them the bill. Hopefully your legal and you wont have any backlash from that but seeing how it wouldn't technically say hydro bill, do you! Oh and to all you tax payers, best believe your taxes barely keeps your ass afloat so what do think it does for another mutha F$%#....SHIT! Get a life cause if your taxes carried that much weight you wouldn't be growing MJ. I'll Holla...