how to hide smell

Pete Townshend

Well-Known Member
are zip lock back not air tight?
Not quite, otherwise you wouldn't smell it. Mason jars are cheap at any walmart or wherever. You can jar that up and it will continue to cure if it isn't too dry yet. I store my bud in jars with Bodeva 62 packs and they stay perfect.


Well-Known Member
Ya mason Jars are great for zips and i use old gerber baby food jars for 8 and quarters so im not getting into my big jar all the time.


Well-Known Member
Baby food jars may be a quick fix but I use these for my previous ground stash..

Keeps ground flower fresh and again keeps the odor down...tho odor.isn't a big concern in my home!



Well-Known Member
ya i could never seem to find the medium sized jars like that in store then one day was feeding kid and like hmm this is like the perfect size for some smoke HAHAHA the times you come up wth ideas tho.


Well-Known Member
Right...tho the snap lid jars are easier to access your herb as the lids and opening are can get your fingers in there to get a pinch of herb to load your bowl...



Well-Known Member
What about a jar? has anyone mentioned a jar .

Also vacuum bag ,, or a good quality cooler, or a refrigerator?
What about a cedar lined negative pressure walk-in humidor? Or if his room is on the space station, he could just tether the ziplock bags to a clip off point on his next space walk, like I do. But if not in space, consider the walk-in cedar lined negative pressure humidor. Or a jar.


Well-Known Member
canning jars are the easiest way and cheapest way. A 12 pack of jars and lids are less than $20 at Walmart. I did find dark purple tinted glass with wide mouths or $20 for 6 of them at Target they are awesome