how to make good AK47 and NL outdor?


New Member
sorry please help me. like in thopic. how long its when ak ll be aduld and good to go?seed started to grow after 24h in wather and ist almost good to put in a soil. than i want outdoor. at my place its not too good with weather at september. extremaly at the end of month it can be cold. even -1 C. usualy 0-1 C to 27-29 C. is it possible to protect plants using straw like for flowers in garden when its cold?


you cant really protect them to much when its cold but the older thye are the stronger they will be, if u have autos they will be finished well before september anyone bro, usually takes 2 monthes from the day ur seed sprouts to finish up an auto, i think u will be okay, i live in a place where it gets cold very early and we have short summers and im able to still grow nice plants, good luck i hope this helps


New Member
it really does. i want to put them into ground. not in pot. is it safe for roots when its so cold??? maby You hav good idea for soil and nutrients for AK?


any nutrients will be ok, i think putting in the ground is also ok . i do it all thje time, i wouldnt worry abnout cold, if they are strong enough they will be OK


Well-Known Member
Hey cmde. From what I've researched, plants do best around 75, but they can survive 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Personally, I wouldn't grow under 45, especially if you're saying it stays at a constant -1 celsius. I'd think it would stunt the growth (I may be wrong). Can I ask where you live? Most places should still be fine to grow autos.. I'm barely starting more auto seeds now bongsmilie

pots will be fine.. especially if you know it'll freeze and you can bring them inside. For autos you only need a 3-5 gallon pot. The ground would be fine too though, pick a sunny spot!

How old is your plant? what soil?