How to make more bud sights?

Willie North

Well-Known Member
Hey all My plants seem to be doin very well and I was just wondering how to make more bud sights on the plant. Iv read a bit of things on the internet and such but I dont seem to grasp the concept. If you guys could help me that would be great :D


Active Member
how big are the plants? if they are around a foot tall and are healthy then you can top them. just be careful not to cut off the growth that will come out after you top. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Topping and LST work well. I don't know from experience, but I'm trying each method on a few plants. I'm also trying some with neither. I'll be able to give better advice in a few months :p


Active Member
BEND THEM!!! I have about 7 bent plants right now and plan on bending more. All of the lower leafs gain much more sunlight exposure and grow nice fat tops.


Well-Known Member
ive done LST myself with fishing stringand it works great for keeping it growing low bushy and low profile. i heard it the first week of flowering if u top one leaf on the top the stem will grow a Y shapped so instead of getting 1 bud you will get 2! my plant is

here is my plant 7 DAYS FLOWERING and as you can see the stem is bent with fishing strings on both sides to keep it even but grew short even though its about 5 months old believe it or not!
