*How To Make THC DROPS.


Well-Known Member
i am really dizzy. i've had cotton mouth since the first 5. my eyes feel tired for the last hour or so.

edibles have varying effects on me. one day i'll eat a cookie......nothing. a few days later a cookie from the same batch will lay me out. i think it depends a lot on my tolerance level for that particular day.


Well-Known Member
yeah Id say take first thing when you wake up and refrain from smoking for few hours to see if it has any effects....:hump:

i'm on my second cup of coffee. i just picked up my pipe to take my first rip of the day. hang-on. i'll do some drops first. :hump:


Well-Known Member
i just took a shower. i was in my bedroom getting dressed. i glanced at my dresser and saw that double perc bong sitting there with a full bowl. it just kept whispering to me...."fdd..........fdd...........FDD....." i couldn't let it down. i had to hit it a few times. it loves me. :)


100% Authentic A$$Hole
i just took a shower. i was in my bedroom getting dressed. i glanced at my dresser and saw that double perc bong sitting there with a full bowl. it just kept whispering to me...."fdd..........fdd...........FDD....." i couldn't let it down. i had to hit it a few times. it loves me. :)

Yeah FDD, I didn't think you would be able to wait


Well-Known Member
Maybe the tincture needs more time. Maybe the thc hasnt been full absorbed yet? And if time wont fix it, I say you try heating it.....


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Im starting to lean towards the "It's not what we all thought it was gonna be" Hey at least we can thank FDD for using 1/4 lb of bud for the experiment. If his shit isn't working like it should then I think it' safe to assume its a myth


although it may have slight effects, Im not wasting my herb:hump:


Well-Known Member
Yeah FDD thanx a bunch for bringing us along on your trip,, sorry so much wasted bud,, but it was for the cause,,, but wasnt someone else also tryin out this experiment,,, who started this thread anyway,,, oh well thanx, and I hope all is not wasted,, maybe your stuff will work yet,,,, fingers and toes crossed,, (eyes too),,,,, :peace:.......


Well-Known Member
nothin'. i thought i felt a little funny when i was at the bank but it's gone now so it wasn't the drops.

yes, myth busted.

i've heard you can rub it on sore muscles but the stuff is so sticky i wouldn't want it on me.

i just twisted up a fatty of "orange crush" mixed with "chocolate thai". time to smoke out.


Sector 5 Moderator
Orange and chocolate, mmmmmmmmmmm. I wanted to thank you too FDD; I've been watching this thread for weeks to see the results. You da man!


Well-Known Member
just put 5 droppers full in a 1/4 cup of hot coffee. i drank it slow and let it sit under my tongue while hot. ouch. i can feel the canna in my throat. it has that strong canna smell. my throat feels like i just chewed up a bud and swallowed it. you know that slight burning irritated feeling. i think it just might be me. i have a guinea pig or two i may be able to try it on. after my cookies though it's hard to get them to take anything from me.


Well-Known Member
Maybe a good idea to make honey oil and then mix it into your chosen medium,whatever that may be:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I have a batch brewing. I used .5oz bud with .5cup. Ground it up in a coffee grinder. Its been a month and it has turned super dark green/black. I think I may throw it the oven at 350F for 10mins. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
