How to not get Caught?


Well-Known Member
only thing i have to say is on the electricity usage,and i have worked it out that most houses/house holds can get away with one 400watt light for veg&flower,,the reason for this is that thats the amount of energy increase you would get if say u installed a 8kw + electric shower(2 people having 15 min showers a day would cover most of extra usage) or say you changed from gas to electric cooker, or you done both,its just something to say when power company queries your bill,its still a risky business tho,best of luck!
You seriously think you need to have an elaborate story to tell the electric company to explain 400 watts of usage? Maybe you should put a fake swimming pool in your yard, that ought to do it.


Active Member
since av been growing my power supplier has twice questioned why our bill was so high,i thought it good to have a reason!


I think the day my electric company calls me to question my usage will be the day I quit. Lmao. I plan to be the invisible man. Working student by day and grower by night. Haha


Well-Known Member
since av been growing my power supplier has twice questioned why our bill was so high,i thought it good to have a reason!

So you have a 400 watt grow and the power company has questioned you twice on why your bill was so high? What did they say?


Ok i am by no means a pro I was however a buffoon whom is very lucky to be free.

I will attempt to state less obvious things or at least to me they were:

1. Rent a house WITH an attached garage, i made that mistake, thought it was no biggie and i was stuck for months bringing in supplies in full view, having to box shit up which undobtably draws attention from neighboors especially when you moved in months ago

2. Plan on using more supplies than you bagained for, not that you cant get shit later on but you dont need to be making many trips to hardware stores, and grow shops. not that people dont go to these places legitmatly but if your young and living solo or with a buddy it just doesnt look good, especially if your not a contracter or involved in buisesses that would justify this activity

supplies to stock extra:
1. Soil
4.Invest in a good water purifyer, again i was stupid and i would actually refill gallons upon gallons of water at wal-mart twice a week
5.Light bulbs, especially your large 400w or w/e your using as your main lights
6.Get plenty of 2x4s if your building appartuses for your grow

3. Consider how you'll dispose of ALL incriminating evidence, SOIL IS A BIG ONE, if your going soil and think youll get rid of it in your yard think again, perlite is a dead giveaway to someone who is in the know or is investigating you and besides even miracle grow barely resembles the dirt in most peoples yard. Now i realise it may be very difficult for you if you have no vehicle or are afraid of driving an entire trash bag of evidence, whenever you run an errand fill up a shoping bag with some evidence and dispose of it in a random trash can like the ones you see infront of a supermarket (and yes if you get pulled over and you have a bag of dirt with roots all in it they can at worst test the roots to determine what your growing in a lab or at least you will be investigated); leaves are the biggest concern, if you can burn it if not chop it into unrecognisable mulch and dump away from your house.

-stay up to date on that shit to or your gunna have to get rid of it all at once unless thats what you perfer
-note also never throw it away on the curb thats a no brainer i hope, yet do continue to throw trash out thats non incriminating, its aids you if you are investigated and no evidence is found plus its "odd" if your not throwing away trash, appearing ordinary is the key

4. Probably overlooked by many but, if your growing in a place where you grew up or have many friends, leave leave far enough away to were people wont wonder why there good friend never invites them over, pretty self explanitory it sucks but if your choosing to go beyond a closet grow your actually making a life changing choice you may not realise

5. Also dont let people know where you live, should the police get suspicious or a theif gets wise of you it'll be another "crucial" peice of the puzzle they dont have

Now to elaborate on all these kind folks who say tell no one: not any body and that is quite literal, the cops are probably your main fear, however YOU ARE A TARGET of potentially violent people in fact your prime meat, burglars dont need a search warrant, they'll investigate you too like a cop and wait for you to leave.. IF YOUR LUCKY some mother fuckers will kick your door in and put a gun to your head and unlike a cop they dont fear prosecution what are you gunna do call the police HA and go to jail on top of being tied up and beaten come on now,

Not to get sappy but if you care for the people whom you call friends you must distance them from any foreknowledge, perhaps youd lie to police for your friends and maybe they would for you but why place them in a spot where they too can face charges, perhaps you may look down on those who keep secrets from good friends but thats far preferable to draging them into your shit and possibly ruining their life, be a good friend and keep your grow to yourself.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion:
If there is NO smell, NO light leaks/loud equipment buzzing, you DON'T steal electricity, and you DON'T tell anyone then i'd say theres a VERY small chance you'll get busted if at all.

those are the basics. it gets much more complicated than that and everyone's situation is different so for any more input we/i would need the specifics of what your living situation was like, do you live in your own home? rent? is it a condo/apt? how big your setup is? how stealth is it? do you have frequent visitors? etc.

anyone that tells you the electric company will dime you out to the cops is full of crap. all the electric company cares about is that you:
A) pay your bill on time
B) don't steal electricity.

they could care less if your bill was 1K a month as long as you pay up on time. most people think the opposite and steal the electricity as they think its the only way to stay under the radar.

if you want to know how to grow for profit and no get caught then thats very different than a personal grow. i personally wouldn't attempt a commercial grow in a residential building (home, apt/condo etc). if its just for personal use then its EXTREMELY easy to grow @ home and fly under the radar.

Most personal growers need to remember that the cops/feds will NOT waste their time busting a personal grow to net a few zips at most. if you have lbs then thats a different story. but anything under a lb isn't really worth their time especially in this economy.

Its best to just not tell anyone.

if you live in an apt/condo my advice is a stealth cab grow (or similar). something with a lock on it and either a tiny carbon scrubber or a small ona jar to kill the odor (odor isnt as strong with small stealth grows so usually ona is more than enough).

if you live in a house you could use a whole room in your house but i'd make sure the door has a lock on it and its probably best to use a grow tent with a carbon scrubber.

just keep quiet. avoid ordering seeds to your home (if thats where you grow) and make sure theres no smell or other signs of a grow op going on and you should be more than ok. 9 times out of 10 its either the smell or someone's mouth that gets them busted.


Active Member
Ok i am by no means a pro I was however a buffoon whom is very lucky to be free.

I will attempt to state less obvious things or at least to me they were:

1. Rent a house WITH an attached garage, i made that mistake, thought it was no biggie and i was stuck for months bringing in supplies in full view, having to box shit up which undobtably draws attention from neighboors especially when you moved in months ago

2. Plan on using more supplies than you bagained for, not that you cant get shit later on but you dont need to be making many trips to hardware stores, and grow shops. not that people dont go to these places legitmatly but if your young and living solo or with a buddy it just doesnt look good, especially if your not a contracter or involved in buisesses that would justify this activity

supplies to stock extra:
1. Soil
4.Invest in a good water purifyer, again i was stupid and i would actually refill gallons upon gallons of water at wal-mart twice a week
5.Light bulbs, especially your large 400w or w/e your using as your main lights
6.Get plenty of 2x4s if your building appartuses for your grow

3. Consider how you'll dispose of ALL incriminating evidence, SOIL IS A BIG ONE, if your going soil and think youll get rid of it in your yard think again, perlite is a dead giveaway to someone who is in the know or is investigating you and besides even miracle grow barely resembles the dirt in most peoples yard. Now i realise it may be very difficult for you if you have no vehicle or are afraid of driving an entire trash bag of evidence, whenever you run an errand fill up a shoping bag with some evidence and dispose of it in a random trash can like the ones you see infront of a supermarket (and yes if you get pulled over and you have a bag of dirt with roots all in it they can at worst test the roots to determine what your growing in a lab or at least you will be investigated); leaves are the biggest concern, if you can burn it if not chop it into unrecognisable mulch and dump away from your house.

-stay up to date on that shit to or your gunna have to get rid of it all at once unless thats what you perfer
-note also never throw it away on the curb thats a no brainer i hope, yet do continue to throw trash out thats non incriminating, its aids you if you are investigated and no evidence is found plus its "odd" if your not throwing away trash, appearing ordinary is the key

4. Probably overlooked by many but, if your growing in a place where you grew up or have many friends, leave leave far enough away to were people wont wonder why there good friend never invites them over, pretty self explanitory it sucks but if your choosing to go beyond a closet grow your actually making a life changing choice you may not realise

5. Also dont let people know where you live, should the police get suspicious or a theif gets wise of you it'll be another "crucial" peice of the puzzle they dont have

Now to elaborate on all these kind folks who say tell no one: not any body and that is quite literal, the cops are probably your main fear, however YOU ARE A TARGET of potentially violent people in fact your prime meat, burglars dont need a search warrant, they'll investigate you too like a cop and wait for you to leave.. IF YOUR LUCKY some mother fuckers will kick your door in and put a gun to your head and unlike a cop they dont fear prosecution what are you gunna do call the police HA and go to jail on top of being tied up and beaten come on now,

Not to get sappy but if you care for the people whom you call friends you must distance them from any foreknowledge, perhaps youd lie to police for your friends and maybe they would for you but why place them in a spot where they too can face charges, perhaps you may look down on those who keep secrets from good friends but thats far preferable to draging them into your shit and possibly ruining their life, be a good friend and keep your grow to yourself.

Great post. It's all about controlling evidence. Never leave grow supplies in your garbage because police can look in there, and it's probably one of the first places they'll look if they get a tip. I keep a lot of house plants around in case I leave anything grow-related in the open at home, though I'm careful never to do that but it doesn't hurt to have a backup story.
If police get a tip, they may respond with a "knock and talk". That means they'll knock on your door and ask to come in. Never let them in; they're asking because they don't have probably cause to enter and want to try and get it. Don't even open the door. I don't open my door for anybody I don't know.

Also never keep any paraphernalia in sight, even from a window. No rolling papers, bongs, pipes, roaches, leaf-shaped stash boxes (I've seen them at Spencer's Gifts). Plain sight doctrine says that's probable cause to search. I read a post where a guy was busted because roofers saw one of his plants from his 4th story apartment window, so never keep anything in the open and never assume. When you smoke you want to control that odor too. Breath through a sploof and spray odor neutralizer, especially around doors.

Also I agree that a grow tent should be used, even if it's in another room. It helps contain light and odor. Get an oversized carbon filter and you'll make the area around smell fresh :)


for one thing burn your lights during the day,and as far as power if your burning several lights,what you can do say 4 lights 1000s you can have the lights alternate betweeen on and off say 4 on then one goes of for a hour then on again use your timers to controle your lights around your room like a track follow me i had 20 thousands burning in my barn at one time what i did was rotate the times on and off so the lights jumped around in the barn like a chess board the squares light up at different times and around like the game simon this works well when burning several lights have them jump around


Well-Known Member
Dont get stoned & show your Girlfriend Thats cold stoned a time bomb & your best friend He tells the guy he wants to impress (he als trys to sell his dry weed to you) Mostly someone who sells worthless reefer to him then is wife (& mostly girlfriend) 3 time bombs Its very hard but you get the weed from a crazy crazy biker :o only show them what they tend to buy Maybe just a bit more Dont forget all the dumb storys & waiting you had to do Hit them with the same Having to wait a few hour makes it look like you have less on hand "They " will break into your house & steal or kill you/ steal if really the wrong person finds out ! Good luck guy


Active Member
years ago myself and buddie purposly got our place investigated to see what it would take , we ran 2, 1000 watt hid lamps 22 hours a day...we eventually got busted because of a light leak not the power bill..and it was hi.....any way, we had squash growing on vine hangers and tomatoes about 100 plants total....they said if we let them in they would not press charges,but...on the other hand if they went and got a warrAnt they would press charges...we said get a warrent dick...when they came back they were so pissed off they started looking thru boxes and drawes so on..WRECKING SOME STUFF! do u think that the judge is gonna give them a second warrent for that address agian for grow search....I think not,,,,YAY!....SORRY ABOUT THE BAD TYPO'OS
years ago myself and buddie purposly got our place investigated to see what it would take , we ran 2, 1000 watt hid lamps 22 hours a day...we eventually got busted because of a light leak not the power bill..and it was hi.....any way, we had squash growing on vine hangers and tomatoes about 100 plants total....they said if we let them in they would not press charges,but...on the other hand if they went and got a warrAnt they would press charges...we said get a warrent dick...when they came back they were so pissed off they started looking thru boxes and drawes so on..WRECKING SOME STUFF! do u think that the judge is gonna give them a second warrent for that address agian for grow search....I think not,,,,YAY!....SORRY ABOUT THE BAD TYPO'OS
this is fucking amazing

I registered just to +1 this post


Well-Known Member
Agreed never never never let a cop in your house They will try to trick you We want to talk about something else blah blah blah etc.
& all you got to say im busy was just leaving sorry Let me have your number I`ll call you back But keep them at bay ! foot behind the door or if you have one a chain lock ,LOCKED They will try to force their way in !!!!!!!!!! Im lucky at my house i see/hear you 1st & meet you in the driveway


Well-Known Member
I say if you are legal in a legal state it is a diff story. 20ppl+ know I have plants, with your equations I should have been in a striped jump suit several years ago. I have also been contacted by elec company, told them it was fine & all was good. Continue to pay bills. Personal Grow is really no biggie in a med state.

Now obviously, you are not. So your biggest issue is the Telling ppl part, Don't Do It.!. Also take care of Smell, then security(locks,gates& such), heat&elec.

If I can smoke some dank in my backyard legally & not worry about smell, I do not care if a little wiff gets out now & then of some buds.