How To Order Seeds Without Getting Busted?

Anita Bhonghitt

Active Member
The feds have better things to do than kick down your door. Just be smart about it all and everything will be fine. Worst case, you get a letter from customs. They will not come a knocking.


ya about 10 years ago we got raided for reasons im not going to explaine but ya jus wondering cuz im sick of trying with bagseed i wanna throw pics and journals of my grow up on here but i dunno probly wont cuz i aint tryina go through that again did i did a lil time and dont think its worth it but ya i was just wondering if theres some kind of stealthy way to do it?


Well-Known Member
You can always take a trip out of country. Amsterdam or Canada. Amsterdam is nice this time of year.

Anita Bhonghitt

Active Member
Do you have a friend that will let you ship to their house? Most, if not all, seedbanks that ship to the U.S. use some sort of stealth packaging. I've ordered over a dozen times from 6 different banks and never had a problem. But must admit, I was pretty paranoid the first couple of times...


Well-Known Member
Your options are a) just order it .... b) get a PO box .... c) have a friend order .... d) not order at all. Either way your gonna have balls up and order yourself or find someone with balls enough to take the risk for you.


If they want you they will get you. You might make it harder, but seeds aren't what they want to catch you with.... plants are much more lucrative.
Yo, anita what's up? What companie's did you use? Cause I want to order but really can't bother getting caught again. I figure if it worked for you, there's at least a chance that it will work for me... And speaking of ordering seeds, do you guys know the sites to not order from? I heard there's ones that scam you, but don't know who they are.


Well-Known Member
for those that have a bit more to lose, such as a couple of the posters here with some priors
if a safe address is a problem, and many of us don't have that luxury
then be careful of stealth shipping options, many of these involve packages
packages are far more likely to inspected in customs than a simple letter
it will be the rare package that gets through if it is inspected, most of the stealth hiding methods are well known to customs
letters out number packages by a large ratio, there is stealth in large numbers