how to prevent mites/fungus gnats


how do i prevent em???!

are they already in the soil u buy from home depot/lowes or do they get in there some how


Well-Known Member
combat them with some sm-90 in ur res available at local hydro shop
can also be used as foliar spray and it smells great very citrus'y


Well-Known Member
Comes in the soil/ you bring it into the grow room. THere are a million ways. Do what mauh12 said, or for a real sure fire way get a sulfure burner :) However that doesnt fix soil problems.


Shot glass full of vinegar works for me.

Just keep it topped off once or twice a day they land in the vinegar and die.

Takes about a week.

My advice stop buying that mass produced shit.


Well-Known Member
somebody here told me to put play sand on top of the soil . it traps them , they cant get in or out. i did it and i now have no more gnats. hope that helps


Active Member
#1Get some hot shots pest strips and put one in your grow room.#2get some neem oil and spray down your grow area. always make sure to clean you grow area thorouly(important). good luck