how to save a seedling D:

about 2-3 weeks ago i had tossed a few seedlings in an already (non pot) plant filled pot without much notice to them (and very little water as i mainly have aloe vera in this house) i noticed these two white stems popping out with little opened buds i started panicking trying save what i can and managed to save one of them (id like to think i did lol) but now im a bit worried since im a noob to growing and want to give this little guy a chance at life
the stem itself is pretty twisted looking from the normal straight up stems ive seen from when i looked at my friends grow and im just hoping i didnt kill the little guy from switching pots so fast i put it to a window to give him some much needed rays but now im just wondering if i can save it? the whole stem is white as to the dried up one that i had to get rid of do i still have some hope left with it because it looks like its taken a bit of beating from when it went unnoticed
yeah the bud is still green just the stem is pretty wobbly but still white an cant with the photos my lady friend has my camera at the moment


Well-Known Member
yeah the bud is still green just the stem is pretty wobbly but still white an cant with the photos my lady friend has my camera at the moment
Take a toothpick and give it some support, Keep it a window if you dont have a light... How tall is it?, is it actually budding or are you lookingat the leafs?
no this is like a white wobblyish stem an at the top the little green bud is alittle opened so i can sense some life in it lol i think the toothpick would be alittle small cause it only gets wobbly halfway up its still straight halfway down an yeah ima just stick it by a window until i get some lights in a day or two and some items to care for it lol