How to start Useing Nutes For a Begginer?


i just started my second grow and dont know to much about using nutrients does any one kno ne tips or websites or forums where i can find some good info on how to start using them?


Well-Known Member
You can nute every water but generally you need about 50% of the concentration specified on the bottle. Just start slow and SLOWLY work your way up. If you carefully observe your plant and its growth you should be able to determine the concentration that your plant prefers.

Some plants don't like being fed and some love it.


Well-Known Member
You want to get some nutrients that are high in Nitrogen (N) for veg. Then u want to use a high in Phosphorus (P) for flowering. (budding) and Potassium (K) is good threw out the entire grow. Like said above start out with low dosage mayb 1/4 recommended strength.


Well-Known Member
You know actually the perfect answer is to choose ONE company. Buy the nutes YOU want to use. And follow the directions on the label only ammending for common sense.

(Hmm this plant is 2 inches and has its first actual leaves, maybe I should feed it with the amount of nutrients specified for vigorous growth of a FULL GROWN plant)

Do things that make sense after you have thought about them thoroughly for 24 hours and double checked on here.