How to...

The Hobbit

Put it in a glass jar with a rubber sealing and put that in the freezer - will keep potent in there for at least a year. Will degrade very slow, so even after 2 years some will still be left and good. Make sure your jars are completely air tight.


Well-Known Member
Shit, i dunkno if i can do that, anyway what about pu in a plastic bag with a zipper? =/


Well first make sure they are dried before you do anything. After the drying process put them in air tight mason jars and let them breathe every morning and before you go to sleep. It's also good to pull them out and re-arrange them so they all get cured. You don't have to put them in the freezer. I normally just put them on the shelf in my bedroom but it's really up to you.


Well-Known Member
I got some jar put it was from hot dogs xD, i already cleaned that shit, anyway my buds are really dried.. So imma put in the jar.


Well-Known Member
^Keep in mind that if that jar still smells like hotdogs, your weed will, Anything air-tight will work, actually. So, if you can't find anything else, you could use those Ziploc bags. Keep it stored in the dark, try to keep the temps below 70*(and above 60*, if possible), and as long as it's dry enough, you're good to go. Too much moisture, and your buds will get moldy, ruining them. Sounds like you're okay, in that dept. You will have effectively started the curing process, which'll improve flavor, and potency,(the buzz transitions, as the buds cure) to a degree. If they are too dry, they won't cure, but will be perfectly fine for long-term storage. If they do have enough moisture left, they will start curing, and should be 'burped'(opened for a few minutes, to exchange the air inside, with fresh stuff), to avoid mold. However, there's no way I can tell you if they need burped, because there's no way for me to know how moist/dry they are. You'll have to keep them sealed up overnight, then check them the next day, to see if they have moistened. If so, keep burping them once of twice a day, until they get dried to where they should be. IDK how to explain that, the best I can do, is tell you to wait until they are dried to where they burn well, while not being totally dried to a That, you'll have to get a feel for, yourself. Just keep in mind that you can always put moisture back in, but can't take mold out.(other than throwing them away) So, it's best to keep them on the dry side, if you aren't sure what you're doing. :)