How was your trip?


Active Member
Hey all, Just wanna here some cool trip stories. ill start with mine...

Ok so this was my first time taking lsd. I was pretty fucking nervous, like butterflies in the stomach kinda shit lol I took it with my brother and 1 of his friends at the friends house. This kinda worried me a little because ive heard you should be in a familiar place on ur first trip. but ya neways i took it, chill people, chill enough plans for the night (watching the lost series from start to finish) haha doesnt that sound fuckin chill? i thought so bcuz i have never sceen the show b4 then. its pretty crazy. ok im trailing off the subject, im baked.:bigjoint:

but neways it came in a sugar cube, best taking drug IMO;-)
We smoked a couple bowls waiting for it to kick in. bout 40 min later man i felt fuckin lovely. Straight just floating, actually the time i knew it hit me was when the celing fan looked like a bat flying at me. ya thats crazy but i understand u need to respect psycadelics and ride with it, dont fight it.

Oh fuck then my brothers friend decides we shud watch halloween, THAT SHIT WAS HALAAARIOUS. we were laughing so hard bcuz when we were watching it we were trippin so hard we cud only remember the parts when the girls get on the phone and chat. so we thought the whole movie was about girls on the phone chattin it up while people die lol obviously weve sceen the movie b4 and knew that wasnt the case but still funny.

after that we smoked again thinking about how the trip was feeling, everybody was in good spirits :bigjoint:
Lost was amazing. i was on the edge of my seat the entire time. it wud go...dun!.. followed by the words "LOST" haha everytime i wud lmao. spent the rest of my time at his house sitting around the tv indian style just loving the show.

After that it was like 6 in the morning lol started at about 9 i think, still was tripping tho. i walked out side and i straight walked into a world created by a painter. I allowed my hands to skim the grass and it blew my mind. things were flowing as if the were liquid. very cool.
went home chilled all day then slept like a rock.

Hope you enjoyed my storie lol
Ne1 else got 1?:leaf::leaf::leaf: