How would you reply?


Well-Known Member
Im going to college with a bunch of people who seem pretty ignorant about pot use. I've heard..

"I have to move dorm rooms, I was gonna move back home but my parents won't let me, It's either $3000 for a new room or move in with a pot-head. I don't know what I'll do.."

(Talking about the friend he moved in with) "Ya, I moved in with him, but he's been smoking pot lately..I think im gonna move out soon, I don't want to get mixed up with that crap. (Mind you these guys were talking about getting really drunk a few minutes before)

"Ya..I used to smoke that shit, but now I just like whiskey" (While he smokes cigarette.)

The list goes on. Some of these people are friends with my roomate and come in frequently, so I know at some point there will be a confrontation with me and them about it, cause it pisses me off.

What do you think the best way to reply if someone starts giving you shit for smoking pot? I know what I want to say, throw facts etc, but that rarely works, people believe what they want. What do you guys think?? :peace:


Active Member
ask them if those "above the influence" commercials make them feel good about themselves


Well-Known Member
i would ignore it. best thing to do. were grown ups, we all have the right to beat up our wives, rob, fuck hookers, murder and smoke weed. every1 is doing something bad in some1 else eyes. what you think is evil might be a hobby to some1 else. thats what makes this world go round, the fact that were all different and fighting it is never gona solve anything.

when your out of school and stuck in a very succesful job thats when you can say, "hey you guys, we all made it in life and i smoked weed the whole time." just to prove weed is nothing but a choice, i cant stand people who talk bad about weed but i turn the other cheek. fuck em.


if it helps you eat when your body doesn't let you, or helps you laugh with your family when the illness keeps you from keeping your spirits up, and so on, who are they to say you're a bad person because it helps you? if you think it's "bad" then it's bad, but it is good in so many ways imo


Well-Known Member
just tell them that you refuse to discuss the matter further until they've fully educated themselves on the subject. you're not in the mood to argue the topic with those who are ignorant about it. if they want to discuss it, they'll have to do it in a mature manner with facts in front of them and be able to accept any counter arguments you present. but i'd say just ignore them and dont get into an argument, if they try to argue, just dont say anything to them. literally. just be like "dude, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about so im not discussing this with you. have a nice day." lol


Well-Known Member
Whip out a dictionary and first give them a lesson on the definition of the word ignorance and go from there.