How you smoke? Why?


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Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
I smoke out of glass for convenience, usually a bong, bubbler, or chillum.

I prefer to roll joints for leisure or if I go out somewhere and don't want to be found in possession of paraphernalia. If I had enough to roll joints all the time, it would be my preferred method.

I smoke to treat combat-related PTSD.


Well-Known Member
Now that I have some indis and some sats, I smoke for both. Sats if I'm out and about, more the indis if I want couch lock.
I'm actually trying to smoke less and do more oils. If I have nowhere to go, I'll put oil in my coffee. Today is a heavy oil day.
Pot allows me to stay on task and pay attention to detail. In smaller quantities. It also has a lot of pain relief for me. I take over the counter only now, haven't had a opioid or a muscle relaxer in over a year.
But when the day is done, ya I like to get fucked up.
Trying to stick to glass when I smoke. Pipe or bowl. My fat sausage fingers are not proficient at rolling a joint, lol.


Well-Known Member
Dugout/pinch hitter during the day. Joint in the evening.

Both for fun and pain relief.


Active Member
Glass bowl about 99% of the time. Would prefer to have a nice, table top vaporizer but they're expensive. The bong stays under the bathroom sink...2 year old black lab has a tail like a bull-whip; might as well be walking around the house swinging a crowbar.

I smoke to get baked. Also helps me not give as much a fuck about stupid shit that I let bother me throughout the day.


Well-Known Member
Now that I have some indis and some sats, I smoke for both. Sats if I'm out and about, more the indis if I want couch lock.
I'm actually trying to smoke less and do more oils. If I have nowhere to go, I'll put oil in my coffee. Today is a heavy oil day.
Pot allows me to stay on task and pay attention to detail. In smaller quantities. It also has a lot of pain relief for me. I take over the counter only now, haven't had a opioid or a muscle relaxer in over a year.
But when the day is done, ya I like to get fucked up.
Trying to stick to glass when I smoke. Pipe or bowl. My fat sausage fingers are not proficient at rolling a joint, lol.

I rolled all those blunts. 6'2 220lb not exactly tiny but not huge..

I also have a lot of nerve damage and can't feel several fingers or even move properly

You should see me try to make a fist lol

Papers are hard bluts a lot easier to roll
Just fyi. The stifness just curls in