hows this sound

1 x 150 cfl in ballast. 2x pineapple express seedlings ( just sprouted) inside a 14 by 8 inch speaker. What sorta cooling system should I use. Can't be to loud Cause.parents won't know.


Well-Known Member really think it's a good idea to risk your parents freedom? ...not to mention their wrath?

...why not either grow outdoors or wait until you're old enough to get your own place?

peace, bozo


Active Member
what would you do if you got arrested for somthing your dumb ass kid did? I know thats harsh but read it in Red's voice from that 70's show.
alright homiees chilloutt, i should of edited that itwas an old draft. i recieved permission 2 weeks ago. and what the fuck risking peoples freedom wed be talkin two plants tops cops wouldnt even get involved if they knew. they simply said they dont wanna know about unless they go looking.


Well-Known Member
could you bring a note in from your parents stating that they have given permission and no forging signature`s, we have them on record ;-)


I'm not one to sound like a moral douchebag, but...

You risking your parents house isn't a good idea. Not because you're actually risking your parents house (in my opinion), but because you didn't process that telling a forum that you live with your parents is a bad idea. If you can't process that, you'll miss out on a lot of important things (such as not getting caught).

Sorry, bro.


Active Member
I am absolutely amazed at the responses here. Is this f'n preach to people who want to grow day or something. This is a weed smokers/growers forum, yet people sound like they have a problem with people growing weed. I think for most of us growing is illegal, you cant tell me it is only permit holders who post on this forum, and so what if it is illegal for me to grow.... the law does not decide what it right and what is wrong it only decides the law. Fuck the law. I grow weed and if I get caught I get caught. ----------- To answer your question - PC fan's are the quietest, use like 4 X 120 mm pc fans, two for intake and two for outtake. You could also use more lower wattage cfls that would run cooler also. So maybe instead of one big 100+watt you use 4 X 30 watt bulbs. Good luck bro and to everyone who sais "oooooo don't risk getting trouble with your parents" F#$%@# them!