Hps Heat


Well-Known Member
We've sort of sorted out the temp problem in a box (my box). but now i was wondering about the direct heat of the HPS. Seedlessone gave me good advice and I agree and think that a cooltube would solve all HPS heaat problems. However, cooltube systems are costly.

My canopy is burning up, literally, the leaves are being burnt. the light is a bit close but the plants like the amount of light, they just hate the temp. Im going to switch back to my CFL's cause I dont want my plants to die but how can I eliminate the amount of heat from the bulb - 1foot to the plant. I need that specific heat eliminated.

Like I said, we pretty much solved the overall heat problem by adding more holes on the bottom and turning all my fans to exhaust - it worked (thanks Seedlessone and mogie).

but the direct heat from the bulb to the anopy needs to be eliminated or else the plants cant handle it!


Well-Known Member
from what i have just read, it seems that the light is too close. listen to Cockeye about the 20' distance. also a small oscillating fan will stop the heat from concentrating on the same leaf for 24 hours.