
New Member
There is a member here named Hydrorascal. He's done a lot of experimentation with LEDs. Try sending him a PM.



Well-Known Member
well the last thing i have seen to LEDs was setups that went for 400bucks a piece and you would have been needing 5 or 6 of them at least to fire up a normal 3' by 4' grow, so 2000bucks+ for a grow at them moment. maybe the gone be an option in a few years too but so far a HPS with all its short-comes will be more efficient on the buck i guess;) still it is an interesting subject:)


Well-Known Member
LED or Light Emitting Dioed is an excellent source of high efficiency light. They're super super bright and use almost no energy. They will also never ever burn out when wired properly. I say properly because if you have one little thing wired inncorectly or your current is not stepped down properly to operating level they will burn out prematurely. When I was at ITT tech to become a certified master electrician (which I never finsihed lmao) I wired an LED board with 1000 Light Emmiting Dioeds on it. It was on a single 4X8 sheet of ply. It took me 2 days of drilling for all the piolet holes. And another 2 days of straight soldering to get them all connected together. This bored was so bright you were squinting the entire time. It was definatly more intense then my 1000w hps light. The bored used an incredible all inspiring 46 watts. Well actually it was 45.6 lol. LED'S are really really cheap. I got 1000 of the little red ones for a little over 100 bucks. When you buy in bulk they cost almost nothing. If someone could research the color or maybe a special type of LED that was needed for growing I wouldn't mind building another 4'X8' board. with another 1000 on there. I think it would be very interesting. And a very very energy efficient and lumen efficient grown system for around 100 bucks? Sounds like a damn good deal to me. Lets do something about this, this really has me interested.


Well-Known Member
From what I've read, it is hard to find an honest re-seller of LED's they'll promise you everything. Some of the points that keep coming up, from what I've seen are:

Are they worth the money? Will they grow decent bud? Will they last longer than a month?


Well-Known Member
LED or Light Emitting Dioed is an excellent source of high efficiency light. They're super super bright and use almost no energy. They will also never ever burn out when wired properly. I say properly because if you have one little thing wired inncorectly or your current is not stepped down properly to operating level they will burn out prematurely. When I was at ITT tech to become a certified master electrician (which I never finsihed lmao) I wired an LED board with 1000 Light Emmiting Dioeds on it. It was on a single 4X8 sheet of ply. It took me 2 days of drilling for all the piolet holes. And another 2 days of straight soldering to get them all connected together. This bored was so bright you were squinting the entire time. It was definatly more intense then my 1000w hps light. The bored used an incredible all inspiring 46 watts. Well actually it was 45.6 lol. LED'S are really really cheap. I got 1000 of the little red ones for a little over 100 bucks. When you buy in bulk they cost almost nothing. If someone could research the color or maybe a special type of LED that was needed for growing I wouldn't mind building another 4'X8' board. with another 1000 on there. I think it would be very interesting. And a very very energy efficient and lumen efficient grown system for around 100 bucks? Sounds like a damn good deal to me. Lets do something about this, this really has me interested.
well, sorry but LEDs do fail after a certain time of use, high end LEDs as the use in modern combat lights and car head lights have a lifespan of about 1000-5000 hours, that is more then a xenon burn will deliver but not endless light as well. and high end LEDs with really some punch to them you won't get for $100 per 1000 as well;) jesus, a single 1-3W will cost you about 40-90 bucks a piece right now:lol:


Well-Known Member
Are they worth the money?
ARe you kidding me!!! im not trying to be rude or mean in anyway bro so dont take this that way! But yes!!! If you build a board like I did and know how to do it and all the wiring theoretically you could save loads of money on the lighting and the electric bill!!!!!

Will they grow decent bud?
Well If you ahve the right spectrum yes and Trust me my board was a whole lot brighter then my 1000w hps. And more spread out!

Will they last longer than a month?
LED lights will last forever and longer then we will ever see to live. They will never burn out or loose brightness. This only applies when they are wired properly of course!

Also.... The board I meantioned WAS NOT A GROW LIGHT BOARD it was just a huge 4x8 board with 1000 LEDS on it that were red in color. Read my post above for info,


Well-Known Member
No I was talking about the Tiny LEDS that I did my Board with green.... Not the expensive ones lol. Your talking about the kid you see on the ass end of tractor trailers in stuff. Im talking about the kind that are in flashlights, keyboards, backlight keypads, etc.


Well-Known Member
No I was talking about the Tiny LEDS that I did my Board with green.... Not the expensive ones lol. Your talking about the kid you see on the ass end of tractor trailers in stuff. Im talking about the kind that are in flashlights, keyboards, backlight keypads, etc.
so i guessed, the cent a piece ones, and those won't give you much punch, those are the ones that are around undeveloped for 20 some years now, no evolution with those. the LEDs which i'm talking about may do the trick but those are freakin expansive still and will stay at that level for the next 2-10 years for sure and till then those set ups you can buy are not better then those things hung up in boston few weeks ago as commercial calling of the bomb squat, pure toys;)


Well-Known Member
lmao thats great green. Your profile pic is my favriote out of anyone on this site. Everyrtime I see it I think... HELL YEA ARNOLDS THE MAN!


Well-Known Member
I applaud your enthuiasm dude. The questions were more on the rhetorical side.

They dont seem to be worth the money, I've yet to see them grow decent bud, and they do have alot of quality issues.

And whats with the plastic diffusers? Don't they block most of the PAR those lights put out?

My 100 watt incasescent light bulb is bright, but that dosent mean it can grow pot!

Most grow journals using LED's that I've seen usually end up with the grower tossing the LED's and finishing up with CFL's, go figure, the LED's cant even out produce a CFL yet.

The manufacturers have some pretty fancy advertising, but again, nothing to back it up with, just some fancy ads, with nice words and lots of promises.


Well-Known Member
Theres no reason to attack me dude, I am merely passing on what I've seen. You don't have to agree with me at all.
It dosent change what I've seen though.

Please, prove me wrong.
I'd be the first to run right out and buy some LED's than.


Well-Known Member
Theres no reason to attack me dude, I am merely passing on what I've seen. You don't have to agree with me at all.
It dosent change what I've seen though.

Please, prove me wrong.
I'd be the first to run right out and buy some LED's than.
as you said video, everyone is entitled to have his own opinion on this issue, free speech, but we both witnessed a few how tried this stunt in reasoned month, we seen the fancy adds and the shitty outcomes in realty and that is the cold bottom to the story. right now there isn't anything on the market worth trying, but if you like to, its your money not mine, go for it and make a journal to show how you fail.:roll:

and if i recall this correctly have you been buggin me for advise few weeks ago 420, still totally lost trying to pull of a commercial grow with no idea what you were lookin into there.... guess this rest the case.



Well-Known Member
are you guys stupid? I was enveying you by saying thats why your ranked Mr. Ganja. I dont even know how you have posted that much. How the fuck would that be a diss in anyway. Being ranked Ganja is like the god of rollitup status. Read carefully next time I think it was just a misunderstanding. I dont attack people on here in anyway. We all share a common interest and theres no reason for it.


Well-Known Member
Not a biggie.
I guess I did misinterpet it though, my apologies to you.
I wish you the best harvest dude!