Humboldt nutes and Air Stone sludge?


Active Member
I just started using Humboldts Bush Master on my current grow. I have always used GH nutes and still do with the addition of the Bushmaster.
I added 1/8th tsp. To a 13 gallon res. topped off with distilled water.
The next morning, my airstone was literally covered in a black algae like sludge.
PPM 200, PH 5.8-6.0
I have never had this problem before.
I read somewhere that adding a little peroxide will cure the problem, I have also heard that if you are at the point you need to add peroxide to your res. then you are already going down the wrong path. Has anyone experienced this? Should I just not use the Bushmaster?
Personally beginning to think all of these 'Humboldt/Emerald Triangle" nutes are gimmicks.


Calyx LED
I have the same problem with my Fox Farm nutrients. I just wash my air stone every other day. I have found that the lower Ph like 5.5 helps keep my nutrient solution soluble. Higher Ph allows for more separation.


Well-Known Member
I used to brew organic teas to feed hempy buckets, though I recently decided to try the Lucas Formula for cleanliness and baby-sitter friendliness.

When brewing my teas I got the same slime/sludge on my air stone, except it was always a brown color. I used to replace the stone regularly, but after a while I got lazy and just scrubbed off most of it whenever I'd feed my tea. I never noticed any problems. In fact, I noticed with the slime on the stone my teas brewed faster and more complete.

Humboldt is organic, right? I would bubble your humbold nutes in a separate container ahead of time for a day or two, before adding 'em to your res. Start it off with some beneficial micro-organisms with your first batch, from worm poop or compost or commercial micro-beastie cocktails, and every time you take from it add more nutes and water to keep the culture alive. If you want to keep things sterile you can also mix a little H2O2 with matured solution in a seperate container before adding it to your res. Just don't add H2O2 to the brewing nutes or you'll have to start the culture again.


Well-Known Member
Snagged this from your comment to me, hope you don't mind if paste it here:

SoonCome said:
...if I can grow my plants well w/o having to scrape my airstone every morning, I should.
I agree completely. For my current grow I switched from organic tea to Lucas Formula (which uses GH nutes) after the third feeding for the same reason. Even though I love my plants my time is still valuable.

Two feedings with Lucas, only up to 1100ppm so far, and I'm seeing a reduced essential oil production (my organic teas make plants ooze essential oils) but a slightly faster stem/leaf/root growth rate (maybe because Lucas is more balanced and sterile?). Although, if my plants can handle even higher concentrations of Lucas maybe the oil production level will come back.