Humboldtchronic's 2013 Guerilla Grow!!


Well-Known Member
I got 120 seedlings that need to hit the dirt soon.... send some good karma this way... doing patches of 30 or so so lets assume half are male looking to end up with 15 females per plot...


Well-Known Member
Ya man its exactly what you said that spot wasn't remote ha used it last with 18 but the other spot is super remote literally woods for 60 miles or more till you hit private dope growers property.


Active Member
Who's sour d are you growing bro? Or is it cut you just cloned the shit of LOL Just interested to know.


Well-Known Member
Um idk I bought them off craigslist all of my clones its suppose to me sour diesel lost coast cut now I only have 15 sour diesel in 20 gal holes there already over a foot tall and smell great half pounders for sure the ogres kush is throwing out roots quick I got them all in cubes and put in soil outside same day gonna be transplanting 12 ogres 2 head band today ha loaded up contractor bags with the soil the cops dumped out and took it back 500 gallons of soil fuck wasting it. Gonna have around 100 total just waiting for them to fill out before transplanting a few extra for the Gf so she can make some cash plus she will be watering for me while I'm in Vegas for my 21 st ha I'll have some pics up today.


Well-Known Member
Damning creeks is legit ha so covered in brush can't even see the creek its hidden ha and thanks man I'm not harming nature its flowing over the top of tarp.dankbudzzz thanks man I hope so as paying for another pallet of soil $500 pissed me off! Lifes a game cat and mouse here in Humboldt I got the connections and a full time job trimming in fall and I will get my land so I can do it legally! Stay tuned shits gonna get crazy 4 days off from work 45 plants going in :)


Well-Known Member
Ha right getaway I'm trying man it will be nice when there all in got 3 spots going and that would have been awesome spent $500 or so on clones just gotta keep going can't loose courage your shits looking great BTW I've been lurking on it when I get time ha.