Humboldt's Growing Adventures! Up & Away!


Well-Known Member
humboldt for president haha. what can i say? you know how i feel about your beautiful girls. i blazed a fat joint of my shit last night. off a couple of hits i got stoned lol. didn't want to go to my wifes parents all fucked up. felt like a teenager again lol. had to keep going in and washing my face and staring in the mirror. put some clear eyes in for the first time in years. cuz before i could give a shit who knew i was stoned. finally i had to go and it ruined my buzz damnnn.. talk to ya later.


Well-Known Member
Hey hmbolts looking very good i must say :D love the 2 plants like big sister little sister hehe, alas we will possibly never know what strain it is, the mystery!!!
keep up the gr8 work :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks majim for the info, I need to get me a variety of seeds, when do you plan on moving and getting back into the grow of things? you wish you can smell them, I wish I could smell them, they really aren't putting off much smell as of yet but when I disturb them I feel euphoric, I'm thinking about getting my seeds at World Wide, seems Like the best place to get seeds, here check it out .. World Wide Marijuana Seeds

Thanks princess for dropping in.

Thanks masta, I have them teenage moments now and again, specially in new and straight crowds. glad you got the chance to smoke but damn too bad you didn't enjoy it, I guess now you have to time your smoking privileges just right, perhaps a schedule:mrgreen:

How are ya BrotherJolly, thanks for visiting and the comments are greatly appreciated, big sister is right like in reality, she's hogging everything... room, lights, air etc... everything, but shes' putting out, I can't bitch...

Until Next Time!


Well-Known Member
I get so confused reading through your shit Humbolt, always wondering how many grows you have going on lol At first I thought it was one with like 2 plants, then like 2 different sets, so the question I pose to you is: How many plants do you having going at this CURRENT moment in time?


Well-Known Member
I get so confused reading through your shit Humbolt, always wondering how many grows you have going on lol At first I thought it was one with like 2 plants, then like 2 different sets, so the question I pose to you is: How many plants do you having going at this CURRENT moment in time?
Good question!



Well-Known Member
Nice they got from almost every company, i'm moving as soon as i get back from the states, probably next to x-mas day, i dunno, but when i start i wanna do it right, right know i'm considering my options, plenty of space in my new crib, all by myself!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys this journal started with me only having a few plants in flower, bushy, small and mediocre, I ended up with more females than expected, 9 total, plans seem to change daily as I have soo much going on in my head right now, forever thinking about how I'm going to keep a study supply of pot and not lose this unknown strain..

I am now flowering 7 of nine girls, two are stored as mothers, I still have one stunted male I'm trying to keep alive for breading purposes, in my second closet I have four crazy chicks, two are topped, one is fimmed and the other is straight, also there is a lot less lighting, way more ghetto than the other closet. I was going to wait until I added more lighting and got things better fixed up before showing pictures, but since you all are curious I will post a few pics..

Although I am flowering 7 girls and have been updating the recent four periodically, I'm more focused on bushy, small and mediocre, I will post updates on these four girls and the second closet when I have extra time or when I see fit.

Right on majim, your own pad, is this your first? my guess is that you are keeping plenty busy just in thoughts alone, I can only imagine what kind of ideas are flashing through your head, so i'll be smoking my own shit right around the time you get your own crib, HOOAH!! wish I could pay ya a visit and celebrate...

Thnaks PIMP I'll have to watch that video laters as I'm trying to get this post done before I head for bed.. I'm getting awfully tired, eyes are drooping..

Hi there orange, yes only one teaspoon per gallon, I have never used molasses before, from what I've read to ad 1 tspoon per 1 gallon of water, I'm not trying to kill my plants, however since they took well using molasses I decided to feed them it every feeding along with some tiger bloom, 1 tspoon tiger bloom 1 tspoon molasses, every watering.. started today, will see how it goes... should be ok but if I wake up tomorrow with some damage I'm going to be sad but hey I'm a noob! and has lot's to learn..

Time for some budshots, under the lights, Bushy's - top cola,

Nice big redhead, my green eyed homegrown humboldt county girl..

Bushy - side nugs - all different shapes and sizes,

Well I'm bout to fall sleep, if I missed anything please do forgive me....

Until Next Time!


Well-Known Member
g'mornin' Hum. looking awesome, and thaks so much for clearing the air on what you're really doing....looks like you got ur hands full....but everything seems to be chugging along pretty well! thanks again.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Man those buds look great!! good enough to eat.

I read you are using tiger bloom are you using any other Fox Farm products?

I have a quick question. I am following their fertilizer schedule to a tee, do I need to reduce the formulas for the seedlings? I keep hearing about 1/4 and 1/2 strength, but I assume the FF people know what they are doing right?

Any help is appreciated.


New Member
Hey Hum, watch that vid baked, so much funnier, cause its true...

anywhoo, question around your lighting veg and flowering many lights total and what are there wattages and color temperatures?



Well-Known Member
[/QUOTE]Thanks masta, I have them teenage moments now and again, specially in new and straight crowds. glad you got the chance to smoke but damn too bad you didn't enjoy it, I guess now you have to time your smoking privileges just right, perhaps yeah humboldt i am not used to having to act straight. i am used to getting high and just hangin with my stoner friends. i think the paranoia comes from being high in unfamiliar situations or like you said the straight crowd. yeah i have to time my tokes. only a few hits here or there. but the good thing is now i can get stoned off 2 hits of some good bud and it barely shows in my system. soon i will break away from my nazi job and then i will feel good again and smoke everyday for the rest of my life. that is happiness, by doing what makes yourself happy. as always the bud porn made me uncomfortably stiff in certain places. what kind of camera do you have because your pics look sweet!!


Well-Known Member
hey Humb, ur girls are looking great, prettier by the day, its gonna be my second, cuz i lived in florida for 3 months, then i moved back here with my family, but i had a litlle studio rented where i had my girls, now i just wanna move, its gonna be a 3 beddroom house, im probably designing one room just fro growing, i hope for the best, my trip to the states has postpone due to bussinesses, but already stacking up on supplies, till later , u know u ever come vacationing to the caribean hit me up, well def some some blunts


Well-Known Member
those pics are looking great man, you should crop some of them in photoshop and leave a blown up chunk of the stuff that's best in focus... we could get a better glimpse of those trichomes easier that way :blsmoke: